Spring Break

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Another break goes by where I feel like time is totally flying by. I've been working overtime so much that now I only have four more days left before going back to the regular school routine. My eyes have been aching for days because I've been editing for consecutive hours. I'm only putting in the extra hours now so I don't have to worry about it later in the semester. And also Harrison added a lot to my to-do list. The good thing is that we don't have conversations, so I don't have to deal with his pretentious attitude in person; only via emails and texts.

But I finally have the rest of the time to take a break and do nothing! Well, I have plans to hang out with Rebecca and Nia tonight. We're gonna get dolled up and go out for some drinks. Despite our numerous failed attempts to go out because of our busy schedules, tonight is the real deal.

"Here's to us bitchesssss," Nia says in a high pitched voice. Our glasses clank and we laugh as if we're in a rom com movie. We went to a Mexican restaurant because they had happy hour for margaritas. It practically called our name. With tortilla chips in one hand and a nice chilled marg in the other, we were unstoppable. "I've got to be honest, I haven't been out in a long time. It's been so busy," Rebecca says. "I feel you on that. I'm also so stressed out about my internship. They make me do so much within a short period of time," I respond.

Once the food arrives at our table, we immediately start to dig in. In between bites, I tell them about my work situation. "Sheesh, that is rough," Nia comments. Rebecca takes a loud sip. "Hold up, but Harrison is totally hot," she says, scrolling through her gallery. She turns the phone around so Nia can see. "Oh, shit. That's him?" Nia is shocked. When I told Becca about him, she, of course, stalked all of his social media accounts. Online he appears to be this mysterious, handsome filmmaker. Although I have to admit his captions have the perfect level of sarcasm. But in reality, he is grumpus. "Okay, I'm coming with you to work next time," she says, staring at her phone. I roll my eyes. "Becca, he is the worst. Actually, no. Come. So you can finally shut up about him."

After we've reached a certain level of buzz, we leave the restaurant and head back to Rebecca's house for our sleepover. You know, watch movies, wear face masks and eat a lot of junk food. The usual. It'll be fun to just go back to our carefree high school selves for a night. When our only worry was whose mom would be picking us up from school when we missed the late bus.

I change into my pajamas and walk into the basement with a cleansed face. Nia was flipping through Netflix to pick a movie to watch, while Becca was setting up the air mattresses. I plop onto the couch and check my phone. Besides multiple notifications from a group chat on Instagram, and a few snapchats, all I cared about was texts from Drew.

Drew: I'm nowhere done with this assignment and I have to submit by tomorrow afternoon :( Hope you're having a good night

Me: Damn. I wish I could help you but I know nothing about accounting. Having a good time with my girls, but I do miss u

It was true, I missed him. Even though I saw him earlier today, I missed him.

Drew: who's gonna kiss me goodnight now, huh

Me: You have your roommate. I bet he'll be thrilled.

Drew: ur too much

Me: 😘😘

My attention is diverted to the television once something starts playing. "Okay, so I have avocado, honey, and charcoal. Choose," Becca says, handing me the masks. I grab the honey mask and walk over to the mirror to evenly apply it to my face. We reminisced, made dancing videos, and had a heart to heart. It was nice to be back with my girls.

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