Three dates

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Today is the 22nd, which means tomorrow is the 23rd. The last game of the season is tonight. I'm in Jacob's dorm room, trying to distract myself from stressing out too much. I don't want to put too much pressure on tomorrow, but there's so much that has led up to it. What if we run out of things to talk about? Even though that has never been a problem before. Ugh. Someone give me an award for the best overthinker.

"Where are you guys going tomorrow?" Jacob asks as he shuts his laptop. "Probably dinner somewhere? He said he wants to take me out in a proper way... which I guess means not telling me where we're gonna eat?" I reply. All I know is that he's picking me up at 6 pm. I asked him what I should wear, and he said to keep it comfortable. So I'm thinking of a beige sweater dress, with patterned stockings and high knee boots. Cute, yet comfy. 

On Fridays, I only have work. So I went and put together some of the clips I had filmed earlier in the week. I seemed to be the only one out of my group who has started their work. It's just me sitting in the office with my laptop and headphones. Oh, and Harrison is also in the next room. He doesn't say much. I feel like he completely ignores my existence most of the time. He walked past me like two times and didn't even seem to notice me. Tyler has worked with him before, but he had no idea he would take over this semester. I don't know what his deal is, but I can't even be bothered.

Once I finish my task of the day, I export all of my stuff on a flash drive and place it back in the drawer. All of us have our own flash drives so that if Harrison or the other supervisor needed any of the footage they can just access our files. 

When I get home, I take a nice long shower before I start doing my makeup. I didn't do too much to my eyes, just a top liner, some mascara, lip liner, and gloss. And of course, I brushed my cheekbones with an extra illuminating highlighter. Once I'm done, I put on my outfit. I strut in the mirror and try to give myself a confidence boost.

"You got this. You've hung out with him multiple times. It's just another night. Don't be nervous," I talk to my reflection. As I continue to goof around in the mirror, my phone startles me.

Drew: Come outside

I take a deep breath. I put on my coat, and grab my purse. Drew was standing next to our UBER ride. We make eye contact and he smiles wide. "Hiiii," I say as I go in for a hug. "Hey, pretty girl," he compliments me. He opens the door for me, and I scoot over to the other side. Once the driver begins the route, I turn to face Drew. "I can't believe we're finally doing this," I tell him. "I know, it feels kinda weird since we already know each other well enough to go on a first date," he says. We make casual conversation until we reach our destination. He thanks the driver, and then runs to the other side of the car to open the door for me. As I get out, he gently grabs my hand and I follow his lead. We walk into a cute little coffee shop. It has a very homemade feel to it. I take a seat at one of the tables facing the front. I could see that someone was setting up to perform and this seat had the perfect view.

Drew sets down two coffee cups in front of me, along with a chocolate brownie. "How do YOU always know what I want?" I tease him as I take a sip of the drink. "Because I know YOU," he winks at me. A few minutes later, the man with the guitar starts strumming. A girl makes her way to the front and takes a seat on the empty stool.

Her voice was soft and gentle and hit the right notes. She was singing "Everything has changed" by Ed Sheeran & Taylor Swift. I take a sneaky video of Drew while they were performing, but then he looks back at me and shakes his head at the camera. I save the video to my camera roll before he could delete it. He got up and sat next to me. I proceeded to Snapchat every moment after.  

After a couple of minutes, he suddenly stands up. "Are you ready for date number two?" he asks. "What??" I ask back. "Well, this was part one of date one. Now it's time for part two." What was going on in his mind? I smile and follow his lead again. Now we're on the way to another location. I can't help but smile when I look at Drew. I don't know what's going through his mind as he's looking outside the window. And I don't know what he has planned next.

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