So, That Happened

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My eyes were fixated on the old fashioned circular clock on the wall behind the professor. I cannot deal with this finance class. I know I'm going to have to go home and re-read all my notes because this professor does not know what he's doing. He introduces a concept and then goes against it in ten different ways. This is just going to be a class I'm gonna have to fight through. "Alright class, you guys can head out early. But just remember the exam is in less than two weeks." I sigh almost loud enough for him to hear. I turn to the girl next to me. "You think you're ready?" I ask her. "Absolutely not," she replies. Then we continue to have a mini-rant about how dysfunctional the professor really is. We head out of the class together and part ways.

For a change, I decided to go to the gym for a quick workout before dinner. I went to class in sports gear, a.k.a leggings, and a shirt. The first floor is where most of the weights are, along with the machines. The second floor is cardio central, and open area for yoga/Zumba. I get in my 20 minutes of cardio on the treadmill before getting into my routine. There weren't a lot of people upstairs so It was super easy for me to do my thing without feeling conscious. As I head down the stairs, wiping the sweat off my forehead, I notice the number of guys in the weight room. I haven't been to the gym in a while, so I hope I don't embarrass myself. 

I increase the volume and set my mind to complete my routine as soon as I can. And that is exactly what I do. I may have struggled a little, but I did it. Once I quickly freshen up in the locker room, I pass by the activity area on the way to the exit. There were a lot of noises coming out of the basketball court. And so naturally, I peeked in. There were a few different groups of people playing on different ends of the court. It's been a while since I've played basketball for fun. Whenever we had a free gym class in high school, my friends and I would always play HORSE. That's where each person tries to make a shot from a designated spot, and if you miss you receive a letter. Whoever completes the word, loses. Now nobody wants to actually move. I've played with Karan a few times but he tells me I'm boring to play with. He's almost like an annoying little brother.

I instantly take a shower when I get home. I change into yet another casual attire before I head out to the student center. I felt too tired to make my own meal tonight, and also I need to utlizie my meal points. Last semester I didn't ration them correctly and I had to spend over $50 worth of points the day I moved out. I make a few rounds in the cafeteria before I settle for a mozzarella panini and kettle potato chips. I knew Jacob was already here because he had texted me that he was also grabbing dinner. He was sitting by himself by the big windows. 

"Hey, haven't seen you in a minute," he says to me as I place my tray on the table. "How you doin'?" I say in a fake Italian accent. He laughs and takes a bite of his chicken tender. We begin talking about this reality television show we both watch. "This bitch was all over the DAMN place," Jacob sighs. "I know she has been a shit show in the past few episodes. Max likes her though right?" Jacob's head gets lower. "I don't care." I reach out for his hand. "Everything okay?" I ask. He slightly nods but also shrugs. "We got into a fight. Haven't spoken to him in two days. He's just pissing me off," he tells me. Apparently, Max has been in contact with his ex-boyfriend. He reached out to "catch up" or whatever. Jacob didn't like that and was open about his feelings. Max then got defensive and things verbally escalated. "Don't worry about it. Just take some time to clear your head," I advise. Honestly, boyfriends come with drama. This is why I need to keep myself away from this relationship nonsense.

"Speaking of stupid boys," Jacob comments. I look to our right to find Kyle heading this way with the biggest smirk on his face. Oh Lord, not right now. As he gets closer and closer, I get more nervous. Is he gonna say something in front of Jacob? I sit with a blank face as I wait for him to come up behind me. But to my surprise, he passes right by me and joins the guys two tables away from us. I sigh in relief. "Why did God make all the tools exceedingly attractive?" Jacob asks examining Kyle's table. I could not agree any more at this moment. Before I could say anything, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, KristeenAH. Can I borrow this ?" He says pointing at the ketchup bottle sitting on the table. Jacob rolls his eyes. He slightly squeezes my shoulder and takes the bottle as I nod my head. I watch him leave and take a seat. He looks back over and smirks before turning to face one of his friends. "What was that about? Did he get your name wrong and right at the same time?" he asks in confusion. I shrug. "Boys are stupid, right?"

I take my and Jacob's tray back inside the cafeteria and place it in the washing bin. As much as I tried to change the subject, Jacob kept bringing up Kyle. "Girl, he has never ever come up to you before. Did something happen at that party that you haven't told us about?" he questions. We walk to the other side of the cafeteria and take a seat on one of the comfy couches. "No. Like I told you, he left me to play beer pong." Jacob keeps staring at me in disbelief. He's an observer just like me so I don't know how to spin the situation. Should I tell him?

"Nothing happened at the party...but..." I try to stall. Jacob crosses his arms. "Can you like, not?" I look around to make sure no one we knew was around. "So you know how the girls and I went to Maggie's? Well, I kinda sorta saw him there," I say. "Okay, and??" Jacob inches closer to me. "We went back to his car and," I get cut off. "YOU HAD SEX?" Jacob whispers loudly. I lightly push his shoulder. "NO. NO. Just made out," I correct him. He takes a deep breath and sinks into his seat. He starts waving his hands like a fan. "Good for you sis. But why?" 

I take a moment before I reply to him. Even I didn't know what to say. "I don't know. Just an "in the moment" kind of thing. I guess I wanted to let loose. And come on, he's hot." Jacob then proceeds to ask me several questions to which I give him detailed answers. "Look I haven't told anyone else. I expect this to remain confidential," I make it clear. He nods. "Of course. This stays between us. Alia and Nicole will be so jealous I know before them."

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