Puzzle Pieces pt. 2

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"Your name was on the screen for a full three seconds, you're officially a star now," Jacob exclaims. We were on the way to the afterparty, which was only a few blocks away. You know that feeling when you just watch a movie, and you feel so immersed in that universe. That was us. We just couldn't disassociate from the characters yet. "And when he supported her despite all the odds she was against, my heart just melted," Jacob squeals. "Don't you just LOVE love," Derek gushes grabbing on Jacob's hand. They're cute.

"I mean, the romance in the movies is different than real life though, right?" Drew questions them. Drew showed up halfway through the movie, so he had to sit somewhere in the back, and not with all of us. "True, but we all have those movie moments. Take your love story for example. You guys get stuck in an elevator, and then New Year's night. Oh and also your first kiss with Drew under the lamppost," Alia reminds us. She's right. Those moments were all so picturesque, but also it feels like another lifetime. "A long time ago," I mumbled under my breath. "I mean I don't know how a malfunctioning elevator can be more romantic than dangerous, but it's a good story to tell. Also, we could've easily gotten hypothermia on New Years," Drew interjects. Alia awkwardly smiles at him, and then looks at me.

"Ease up a bit," I elbow Drew's stomach. "It's all about the perspective, though. I mean, I consider those moments movie moments," I add. "Of course, babe," Drew kisses my head.

We enter the party along with many other guests. I swear I saw some fans sneak in, but if security isn't keeping up, it isn't my job to call them out. Drew and Jacob took it upon themselves to get us all drinks, while we found a table for our group. As we made our way to the back of the hall, Alia and I passed by so many familiar faces. We just looked at each other and squealed in secret. Eventually, we found a table next to some influencers. But there were only four seats open. "Don't worry, you wait here. If I remember correctly, there should be extra chairs in the closet by the lobby," I tell Alia. Alison and I had to come down to this place a few times to make sure everything was in order. Me and the other intern actually made the goodie bags ourselves so we had to make special rounds to set everything up.

I grab two of the foldable chairs and place them under my arms so it's easier to carry. But I'm also wearing heels, so I kept stopping to keep them lifted above the ground. Derek sees me from a distance and takes the chairs from my hands. Jacob picked out a good one.

I only had the chance to take one sip of my drink, when Alison grabbed my hand to help her with some stuff. "She'll be back, shortly," she yells over to my friends. I forgot we needed to network with some people and discuss some more of the details. There's another more formal gathering upstairs, with the investors and network heads.

For the next hour or so, I took part in multiple conversations but didn't get to give much input. There was a lot I could've said, but I'm literally an assistant. It was kind of boring, I can't lie. But along with fun in this industry, there's a lot of things that go behind the scenes. I just want to go back downstairs, finish my drink, and dance with my friends.

"Kristina, can you please go get Mitch from downstairs, and also bring the bags we made for the executives," my supervisor instructed me. I smile at her, but let out a sigh as soon as I leave the room.

I walk back into the hall, which is now darker than before. Great. This is going to be fun. Now I'm frantically running back and forth to find this man. I feel like people think I'm a creep cause I'm staring for to long because I can't make out their faces in the dark. And then, I made a ballsy move. I go up to the DJ and make a request for him to ask for Mitch.

"Attention, can Mitch please make it up to the meeting upstairs. Mitch, you're wanted upstairs man," he sings along to the tune of the song. From the podium, I look at both of the doors to see if he's here. After a few more seconds, I see him walk out. "YES. THANK YOU!" I scream.

Always Been YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz