Feelin' 22

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It's been a week since I moved back home, and started my internship at Ambient! I heard back from HR a week after my interview, right when I was getting ready to move off-campus. As ecstatic as I was, the fact that Alia and I won't be living together for the summer saddened me. But on the plus side, my boyfriend finally got his shit together and gave me the apology I truly deserved. It feels good when your boyfriend admits his idiotic behavior. I got a full week of his undivided attention and special treatment. Including a 'congratulations on the job' purse. Not saying that you can buy my love, but it can sure help.

My office is located in the city, so I commute at least three days a week. I get to work two days from home, which is the perfect fit for me. I've taken over my dad's old workspace in the basement as my own working station. In-person, I have my own cubicle to work from too, which makes me feel so professional. Although I don't really use a lot of the space yet since I'm still getting trained.

It's only been a few days since I've seen Drew, but I miss him already. He's back home in Indiana, spending time with his family and friends. It's crazy how used to a person you can become. But I know this is just temporary and probably just another challenge that'll make us stronger. For the summer, he's volunteering at his old middle school as a summer camp coach, along with some of his friends. Sounds like an Adam Sandler movie.

We've been FaceTime-ing nightly to catch each other up on our days. "It's crazy that I once used to go to this camp as a youngin," he says. I tuck myself in my blanket and set the phone on my nightstand. "Isn't it so nice to relive all those memories? Much simpler times," I reply. He nods his head. "It's actually such a nice stress-free feeling but, I can't stop thinking about you." I tried to cover my cheesy smile with the blanket, but my eyes gave it away. Every time I had a few minutes to myself, I kept thinking about what we would do when I could see him again. I'm thinking of going to visit him in Indiana next month for the 4th of July weekend. But I've never traveled alone before, so I get nervous thinking about it. I wonder if I can convince anyone from my friend group to join. It might be a task to make Indiana sound like the place to be but, I can try.

But before I can think of the trip, I need to finalize plans for my birthday. This fun girl was born on June 22nd. I'll be turning 22. Everyone wants me to do something big for my Taylor Swift year. But sometimes I rather just have a nice night, you know? But now that I'll be busier on the weekdays, it'll probably be fun to go out. So I'm thinking we can all go get dinner and dessert. I'm going to spend the morning with myself because I am in the process of learning to love myself (trying to). For lunch, my family plans to take me out.

"I can drop you off in the mornings Kristina," Dev says, flipping through channels in the living room. "Wow. Such a generous offer. Is this because someone has a special someone so that someone wants to have the car during the day," I raise my eyebrow. He avoids making eye contact with me which is basically a confirmation. I've heard him talking on the phone late at night almost every day since I moved back home. I'm glad I now have something I can tease him about. He's young and possibly in love. It's cute.

The next morning I woke up around 8 AM. At midnight, my parents and brother cut the cake with me, as we do every year. So I did have a good start to my day from the get-go. In an attempt to set the tone for my 22nd year, I decided to spend some time in the great outdoors. Plus, I wanted to treat myself to a victorious breakfast. My favorite bagel shop was a 15-minute walk. I listened to a podcast on the way there and back. It was a nice hour or so. After my shower, I blasted music as I got ready for the afternoon. That is something I couldn't do at the apartment.

"Happy birthday to you..." The restaurant staff sang to me as I smiled at my family. Dev was recording as my parents sang with the waiters. They do this every year, yet I blush every time. They take turns to feed me a bite of the cake. This is such a desi custom. I was stuffed, but I still felt good. Back at home, my family gave me my birthday presents. Dev got me an Alex&Ani zodiac bracelet because he knows how much I'm obsessed with astrology. The fact that he spent his own pocket money this time makes it so much more special. My mom and dad bought me a few summer outfits and a brand new camera. The Nikon - D5600 camera set with an extra zoom-in lens. "Oh my gosh," I yell, opening the bag. The camera I currently have is pretty outdated and didn't have all the cool functions that the newer models have now. I can actually work on my personal projects now. I give them a big hug and thank them a thousand times. "I know the old one you have now is not very useful anymore, so we thought it's important to get a new one since you've been working so hard on making a career," my dad says. My parents are so supportive and I'm so grateful.

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