When There was Me & You

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I'm standing outside the sports arena watching everyone load the bus with all their bags and suitcases. It's early in the morning and I am definitely not in the best mood. I slept very late last night because I was up finishing an assignment that I had totally forgotten about. Even after that, I was the first person here. I was actually even hesitant about coming on the trip if I'm being completely honest.

After everything that happened last week with Drew, it was weirdly intense. It was our first legit fight, and I didn't know how to deal with it. We came to a resolution and apologized to each other for everything, but I'm afraid it might happen again if we get too close again. It's just all in my head. And besides, I would be screwing over Tyler if I ditched him since his partner couldn't go. So Harrison had no other choice but to send me too. And I need to also be a stand-up girlfriend this weekend. I know Drew's really stressed out with both of his parents coming to watch the game too, so I want to be there for him.

The bus is taking us all to the airport. The ticket and hotel sponsored, the rest of the expenses are on us. I sit next to Tyler who was carefully placing his laptop in his bag. "I keep checking my bag to make sure I didn't forget everything I need," he lowkey panics. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Tyler, relax. We have everything we need. Take a deep breath. We're not even on the plane yet," I try to calm him down. I turn to face the window and see the players lining up to get onto the bus. I see Drew. I don't think we've properly held a conversation in the past few days. We're fine, but I still feel like there's something off in between us. He gets on as he's talking to one of his teammates. As he passes by my seat, he looks over and helplessly smiles.

I put on my headphones and listen to music the whole way there, and up until we clear check-in and wait for the flight at the terminal. I leave my stuff with Tyler and take a quick trip to the bathroom. I don't like using airplane toilets, and I drank a lot of water this morning. Even though it's warm outside, I'm wearing a hoodie with my favorite pair of black leggings. It's just the airport vibes. I just need to feel comfortable while traveling, even if it's barely a two-hour flight.

As I walk back to the terminal feeling more fresh from before, I notice Tyler isn't sitting alone. Is that....

"Harrison," I say in shock. He stops his conversation with Tyler and looks up at me. Oddly, he smiles. "Hey Kristina, it looks like I'll be joining you both in North Carolina," he informs me. He can't be serious. Well, he is. Apparently, the other supervisor dropped out at the last minute. Also, I don't think I've seen him in a hoodie and sweatpants. It actually looks like he's calm for once.

Shortly after, we boarded the plane. Time went by fast because I slept for two hours. I definitely needed it, because the next hour or so was spent waiting for everyone's luggage and belongings so we could go to the hotel. Harrison, Tyler, and I were quick to get out of the terminal in comparison to the players. As we waited outside by the sliding doors, I couldn't help but stare at Drew who was sitting on a bench waiting for everyone else. His gaze was locked on the floor. I don't know why but I feel like there's something else going on but he doesn't want to share it with me. That makes me a little sad.

"Kristina, let's go," Tyler snaps his fingers in front of my face. I flinch in response. I pull up my suitcase handle and follow the lead.

I drop my bag on the sofa and throw myself on the bed. The cold sheets felt so nice on my face. I actually got a room all to myself. The supervisor who was coming before was a girl, and we were gonna share a room. But now that Harrison is here, he rooms with Tyler. It's a decent size with a two-seat couch, coffee table, TV, and a queen-sized bed. Before I did anything else, I hopped into the shower. I changed into blue capris and a college tee. The next thing to do was grab lunch and then begin setting up the equipment. I think later in the day there's a dinner for all the colleges that we also got invited to. I grab my phone, room card, and a bottle of water before heading out.

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