"Chapter 27"

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Here is a new chapter for you and hope you'll like it!


The birds were letting out loud chirps which made me wake up. I sat up in bed looking outside to see that it's already morning. I stretched my arms and yawned.

When I heard someone by my door I looked that way and was met by Korra.

''Hey there Ayira.. How are you feeling?'' She asks with still a bit of worry.

''I'm feeling fine Korra nothing to worry about.'' I said with a reassuring smile which she returned with a small smile.

''That's good to know because there is a match tonight again and I hoped that you would come?'' She asks with curiousity.

''I don't know Korra.. we'll see.'' I replied with a small smile on my face.

''Alright well I came here to tell you that lunch is ready.''

''Alright I'll be down in some minutes.'' Korra closed the door leaving me with Pabu and Meeko.

I let out a sigh and stepped out of bed. Time for a new day that is probably gonna turn to a bad day like always. While I was walking over to my closet I tripped over one of my shoes.

I let out a grunt and murmured:

''Yeah there is the proof.''

When I was standing on my feet again I felt someone watching me and looked out the window.. to be met by nothing.


I felt something touching my leg and jumped a bit from shock only to see that Pabu was just trying to climb on my shoulder. I let out a chuckle and picked him up. A small growl was heard and I turned my head to Meeko.

''Come on Meeko you know that you're my bestfriend."I said with a sweet smile which made him run up to me and before he could jump I stopped him by kneeling down to give him a hug.

He was greeted with my arms and gave me a lick on my cheek which made me chuckle.

''Ready to get some food?'' I asked them and achieved one lick from each of them.

''I think that's a yes.'' I chuckled and we went of down the stairs.

In the dinning room I was met by everyone.

''Ah there you are. Took you some time.'' Said Tenzin without looking up.

"Yeah just needed to get ready."

I sat down at the table and licked my lips when I saw the food. Looks like my mouth will meet heaven. Meeko wanted to walk in but was met by a stern face from Tenzin. He let out a small howl talking back to Tenzin.

"Meeko you know that you're not allowed in here." Reminded Tenzin. His head lowered and I felt bad for Meeko and stood up taking my food.

"Where are you going Ayira?" Tenzin asked with a hint of suprisement.

"You can't just expect me to let Meeko alone by himself." I replied without looking at him and left the room.

"Come on Meeko let's go outside." I gave him a little pat and we walked out of the door.

I saw a nice place to sit down and took my opportunity with Meeko beside me we arrived at the place. I sat down with Pabu who jumped off my shoulder and sat down beside me while Meeko layed down.

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