💖Chapter 19💖

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Yona's POV

I laid my head on the counter in my lab. My lab coat's sleeves were wrapped around around my neck, I'm so exhausted...we did to many tests today and I just want to lay down and perish..

I heard the metal opening open, I looked over at the staircase. It was Maddison, "Hey Yona! How has my best friend in the whole wide world been?" She asked. "She's been doing horrible.." I said.

"Why?" She asked, "I want to go to my childhood house and maybe finish my plane but I can't because I have a meeting soon.." I said.

She sighed, "I have a idea.." She said, I turned to her, "How about we go play in the snow together." She said, "It's snowing already?" I asked.

"Yeah, it snows a lot at this part of town." She said. "I guess..just give me some time to get ready." I said. She ran back upstairs and I took my lab coat off.

I grabbed my jacket, Boots, Gloves, and beanie. I ran up stairs and ran outside to find Madi waiting for me.

The grass was covered in snow, I giggled..it's been so long since I've seen snow. I can take my gloves off but I prefer not to because of my robot arm.

I felt something hit me, making me drop to the floor. It was a snowball, I looked at Madi who was giggling.

I grabbed a bunch of snow and threw it at her. She ran away and I chased after her, "I'm gonna get you!" I said grabbing more snow while running.

I threw it at her and she fell down. "Go fuck yourself!" She yelled in a playful manner. I grabbed more snow and buried her in it.

She erupted out of it with snow all over her clothes and hair. The snow shimmered on her, she shook the snow off herself. I ran not looking where I was going, I tripped and hit my knees hard.

"Holy crap! Are you okay?" She asked and ran to me. I couldn't feel my legs, it felt like frostbite but not bad frostbite.

"I can't feel my legs..." I said in pain, "I'll go get help.." She said, she ran inside leaving me in the freezing snow and can't walk..I shook feeling my robot arm start to become harder to move from the cold, it Dosent react good to the cold and I thought the gloves would be able to prevent that...

I looked that at my knees which were bleeding rapidly. The blood was seeping through my pants which would bleed into the snow leaving some parts of snow red.

My hole body shook as it felt like I couldn't move anything. I looked in the distance admiring the lake, I heard running footsteps. I couldn't move over it was so cold...

"Jesus!" Historia said and checked my pulse, "We need to get her inside, she's gonna fucking freeze to death." She said and picked me up, It was good to get the snow off the side that was laying on it.

She ran back inside the house, I couldn't even think straight. Everything was a blur, I could barley hear anything...

Historia placed me on my bed and got a fire started in the fire place, "Madi, take care of her. I'll go get the doctors." She said and ran out of the room.

"Yona..I'm so sorry..." She said taking off my Prosthetic arm. I couldn't even reply, even with the fire running it was still freezing.

She took off my boots, and put them next to my bed. "If only I was more careful..." She said gripping my hand and rubbing it softly.

Her voice was so distressed, I haven't heard her this way since her grandfather passed away. I would hold her hand but my other arm is near the fire, "Historia will be here soon with the doctors, it'll be okay..." She said.

My lungs felt like they were frozen..I looked around for my inhaler, "Oh..I Uh.. have it, I thought you would maybe start wheezing outside so I brought it with me." She said and gave it me.

She let go of my hand and I grabbed my inhaler and took a deep breathe, "Thanks..." I said finally able to talk again...

Historia finally arrived with a doctor, Madi moved out the way. "Hello Princess, I'm Doctor. Maybelle." She said. She bowed slightly and I nodded my head.

She walked over to my checked my legs, "She ripped into her knees from the fall, she won't be able to walk until it heals. She is suffering from hypothermia so I recommend you keep the room as warm as possible."

"Thank you Ma'am, how much do I need to pay you?" Historia asked. "No no! It Dosent cost anything. It's just a small examination, these usually don't cost that much and due to the pending situation with everybody not being able to go outside because of the cold I'll let the examination go free." She said.

She bowed to Historia and Left, "Alright sweetheart, I'll go get you some tea. Try and warm up." She said and left.

"Yona...it's my fault, I should never have suggested you come outside. I just wanted to cheer you up, you used to be so cheerful and playful...but now your so serious." She said. "I just wanted the old you just for a few minutes..." She said.

"No Madi...it's my fault, I knew it wasn't a good idea and I made the stupid mistake of not removing my arm before going outside and not looking where I was going." I said trying my best to make her feel better.

"You know what, how about when I get all better me and you can have a whole day to ourselves where we can do whatever we want, we can act like kids again.." I said.

"That does sound nice..." She said

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