💖Chapter 11💖

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Yona's POV

I woke up to the sound of Scout going crazy in his box, I managed to calm him down before he woke up the others. I opened his box and he went flying out, I grabbed him and rubbed his head.

He squeaked lowly which made me feel extremely wholesome, I placed him down in his box without the lid and walked in the bathroom. I got changed and walked back out, I picked him up and put him on my head.

I grabbed my bag and wallet and walked out of the room. I don't think anybody knows about Scout yet. I walked out of HQ and called a carriage, I got inside and they started to go to the nearest furniture store.

I kissed Scout lightly on his head and we arrived. I put him back on my head and walked out, I paid the driver and walked inside the store.

I scanned through the bird section and saw some bird food, I grabbed it and put in a little basket. I found a bird cage that wasn't big or small, I was one that you could carry. I grabbed a box that contained the parts for it and walked to the checkout line.

I waited and arrived at the front of the line. "Good morning Ma'am." I said. She nodded, she seemed extremely rude since she kept giving me dirty looks.

"You should really loose some weight." She said in a nasty tone, I get that I haven't been exercising as much as I used to but that's because I'm still healing. "Like seriously, are you that ignorant of your body that you let a dumb bird sit in your hair and you are wasting a beautiful body?" She said with a smirk on her face

"You are probably a little Slut, you probably don't have enough money to pay for your bills so you sell your body to older men." I was so flustered, I immediately felt ashamed of my body.

I Paid for my things and left the store, I tried my best to forget on what that lady said...maybe I am a waste of space...maybe...I do need to loose some weight.

I got in a carriage and they took me back to HQ. I skipped Breakfast and just immediately walked to my room, I opened the door and closed the door and placed my stuff down. I felt Scout fly over to my desk, I looked in the mirror and...I didn't even recognize the person there.

I grabbed a mallet and started putting Scout's cage together. I finished and placed him inside, I put some water in his crate and also some bird food.

"Alright Scout, I'll be back in a hour." I said and waved to him. He squeaked and I left the room, I walked through the halls. "Hey Yona!" Petra said and ran over to me.

I put on a fake smile, "I'm sorry I forgot about your birthday, are you okay?" She asked. "Never been better! Anyway, I'm going to go train." I said.

She made a worried face and I walked around her. I walked to the training field and picked a partner, we both got in position and Ed started training.

I blocked their punch and made them drop to the ground.

We soon finished and I felt a intense pain in my chest, I dropped to the ground exhausted. My partner ran over to me and looked at my shirt.

There was huge blood spot, I faded in and out of consciousness. I just wanted to lay there and die, everything was blur.

The next thing I knew I was back in the Medical Ward. Petra was there but nobody else, when she saw I woke up and smiled.

"What happened?" I asked, "You're wound opened because you trained to hard." She said and grabbed my hand. "You haven't been acting like your normal self...what's wrong?" She said.

"I...when I was at the store a girl was making fun of me...she told me I was a slut..and I needed to loose weight...I was planning on starving myself because I thought that's how everybody thought about me." I said.

I looked back at Petra, she had tears streaming down her face. She got closer to me and hugged me, "I don't think those things...in fact, I think the complete opposite. You are a independent lady, you are beautiful. You have a perfect body and you are the kindest person that's in the Scouts." She said and caressed my jaw line.

I smiled, and stroked her hair.

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