💖Chapter 29💖

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Yona's POV
6 months later.

I ran around my lab, looking at things frantically. I finally found the solution to time travel and I can't even find the screw I need.

I heard the hatchet open and Eld's wife yelping in pain. As if she was in labor, I would expect it as she is in her third trimester and why else would she be here.

"Second door on your right." I said. I looked behind and the whole crew was there. Could they have chosen any other place to give birth.

They all helped his wife into that room. But not until Gunther accidentally knocked over a screw. I thought nothing of it until it has they distinctive number.


That's the exact screw I was looking for. I ran over to it and grabbed it, finally I can finish my life long dream. I'll finally be able to my family! See my family's history!

I giggled in glee as I started to hear yelling from the other room. They must've started, I ran up the small steps and opened a small hatchet on the Time Machine.

I twisted the screw inside the machine. I slammed the hatched and it was completed! Over 100+ hours went into this machine. I just have to double check the wires.

As I opened the hatchet on the side a loud scream interrupted me, making me misplace a wire exploding the whole machine.

My back hit a pillar, a sharp pain could be felt in my right eye. And when I opened them, my whole creation was destroyed, not a single piece left.

Tears escaped my eyes, I wiped them then looking at my hand. It has blood on it, I covered my eye that had the pain on it and there's was a big scar and it was bleeding rapidly.

Parts of my hair was burned. I got up limping my way towards the fire extinguisher, I grabbed it feeling my muscles weaken.

I aimed it at the fire and pulled the trigger. More yelling could me heard, but who the fuck cares. That lady just made me destroy my hard work.

Eventually the yelling stopped, I collapsed on the floor. Tears running down my face.

I heard the door open, "Yona, do you want to come see the new ba..." She stopped talking after seeing the burnt remains. "Yona Everything's gonna be okay." She said.

I faced her, I raised my hand and slapped her. "Okay?!" I yelled at her, "I spent every day into this project. I wanted to see my family again and you say it's okay?!" I reprimanded her until I saw tears in her eyes.

She cried lightly. They all came out to see what all the noise was, I refused to even look them in the eye. I ran up the stairs opening the hatch. "Where are you going?!" Petra begged for an answer.

I stayed silent for a while.


Yona's Story will continue...

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