💖Chapter 24💖

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Yona's POV

Me, Luke, and Evan walked across a stream of water, I decided to go with them on their journey. I just know that this was the right choice. I was never supposed to be a princess, I was never supposed to be a scout.

I was never supposed to be... "Yona!" I hear Evan call out. "Yes uncle?" I blurted out.

"Quit day dreaming and watch the sun, it's going down." He yelled. "Yes sir!" I yelled, I looked at the distance of the sun and the walls, I say we have three more hours until the sun is completely down.

I stretched breathing in the fresh air.

I grabbed Luke's hand tightly as we walked through the forest. "We're almost at an abandoned town." Uncle said looking at his map.

"It still had running water in some houses down by the stream. If we're smart we can live in these houses for about a month."

Me and Luke both nodded, just a few minutes we found an abandoned town, it was all burnt except for one house which just had a lot of vines.

Uncle tried to open in but the door wouldn't budge. "Move out of the way." Luke said shoving Evan out of the way.

Luke got in some sort of position and kicked the door down, "Great work Luke!" He said patting Luke's head.

I sniffed feeling my nose getting clogged a bit, I can't believe it's been almost a month. I miss Petra, Eld, Gunther, Oruo, Historia..but I want to live my own life and destroy this man on my own.

"Luke you head inside and get everything ready I need to talk to Yona." Uncle said. "Yes sir!" Luke said cheerful and skipped into the house.

"Yona, even if this mission isn't a success you have to promise me something." I looked at him, "You must, never ever...become like your father." He said.

"Why?" I asked, "I can't tell you, just promise me that." He grabbed my shoulder and rubbed it slightly.

"Okay.." I nodded and walked into the house.

I looked around the house, a lot of it was a bit abandoned and it was pretty dusty. I opened a door and there was much cleaning supplies in there.

I grabbed a bucket and a floor cleaning bottle. "Not as pretty as your palace ain't it?" Luke said, "I did this almost everyday before becoming a princess."

I placed the bucket down and poured the solution into the bucket, I grabbed a dish cloth and started scrubbing away. This home didn't have to much gunk on its floors. It was just a thin layer of dirt.

"Uncle!" I yelled, there was no reply. "Uncle?" I said questioning.

Luke looked out the door, "Yona...hide.." He said with a horrid look on his face.

"Why?" I questioned. "Just come on!" He grabbed my hand dragging me upstairs. "Get back here!" I heard a familiar voice call out.

Luke slammed the door shut, "God damn it! You open this door right now or else I'll rip your head off!" The man yelled.

Luke swiftly grabbed a chair and put it under the door knob so nobody could open it. "Who were those people." I said sniffing as the door budging the chair to the side very slowly.

"The scouts.." He said, a sweat started to break. "No no! They can't find me here!" I cried. "That's why we're hiding. They will leave eventually." He said, "And if they don't?" I sniffed.

"Then we are in for one heck of a ride." He said clinging onto me tightly. "How do you think they found out..." I said in a softer tone accepting what's yet to come.

"We must've left the map at the camp place." I sniffed. "Get into the closet." He whispered into my ear. I nodded, "But what about you." I said.

"Don't worry about me. Your the person we're protecting." He said caressing my hair as I walked into the closet.

He shut the closet doors, "Yona.." He said a bit muffled. I made a small noise in return.

"Promise me that you will kill him." He said.

"I will..." I cried out. Soon I heard Luke open the window but he didn't climb out. I could tell he isn't because I can still see his shadow from underneath the door.

I heard the chair fall down the door bust open. "There you are you little fucker.." I couldn't even tell how as talking, the door was muffling out a lot of sound.

"Where's the girl!" I just let the conversation pull out. "She's gone, you'll never find her!" Luke yelled.

"Bullshit!" A loud crash could be heard, "I'm going to give you one last chance, where is. The girl." He yelled.

"I'll never tell you!" Luke yelled.

Footsteps got closer to the closet until I could see a shadow of boots at the bottom of the door.

"Wait!" Luke yelled, the closest door open. Gunther peaked into the closet, he scanned across the closet until he saw me backed against the corner.

He sighed and grabbed me by my cloak.

He yanked me out of the closet onto the cold wood floor. I looked at Luke who was covered in blood, he got up slowly and tried to grand Gunther by the neck. Oruo jumped in and banged Luke against the wall, "Stop it both of you!" He yelled.

"Now you." Gunther said, he looked at me, "You have a hell lot of explain to do." He yelled, He raised his fist and it was just black.

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