💖Chapter 14💖

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Yona's POV

I opened my eyes, Petra's arms were around me. I looked out of the window, darkness filled the room. I looked at my clock and those three numbers surprised me...3:32 AM me and Petra slept through the hole day.

I slowly got out of her arms and stood up. I tucked her in and kissed her forehead. I grabbed my brush and brushed my hair softly.

I smiled and walked out of our room. I walked down the hallways in just Petra's shirt and black tights. I had socks on but they had a few holes in them, and I couldn't be bothered to put on shoes.

I walked outside and sat down in tall grass. I smiled as the twinkling stars shined down, this life is just to much to handle..I'm going to be crowned princess in just a few weeks..I'm basically humanity's next hope, god of the Titans...magical powers...this is just to much...

I see being crowned royalty as a advantage to continue my study on time travel, it's always been my dream and I have a friend that has the same intelligence as me so we could be work buddies.

Well she isn't as smart as me but she is the closest to getting there. Her name is Addison, she has black curly hair. She is dark skinned and I've known her since...we were at least five so she is the only person I'm silly with.

She is coming to my Coronation and after the Coronation is over Historia will be allowing her to move in with us. We've already talked about it and she thinks its a wonderful idea.

She has a basement and she said we could conduct our experiments there, Historia is working on a bedroom in the basement so Addison can sleep there.

I took a deep breathe and stood up. I took my gloves off, with all this free time I should practice with my magic a bit.

I twirled my hands a bit and made a small ball of snow. I threw it in the air making it snow in that particular area. This just makes me remember a certain time...that time...

I heard footsteps approach me and saw Petra. I reversed the magic making it go into my palm, "You shouldn't be out here at a time like this." She said. "I know..I'm just thinking." I said.

"About what?" She asked and sat next to me. "This life is just to much to handle...everybody is just waiting for me to slip up, I'm basically carrying the future of humanity on my back." I said.

"I know what that feels like...before Mikasa and you...I was humanity's strongest side by side with Levi.." She said and rubbed my back softly. "Everybody was waiting for me to slip up and I did..that was when I watched each one of my comrades die infront of me and then myself."

"But hey...sometimes you just have to push through...because I did and I found you, me and the Levi squad knew it was you...you were the one who could bring us back." She said, "But after my Coronation it will feel like I never met you..I'll only be able to see you twice every two months." I said.

"But that won't change my love for you..." she said and pulled me closer. "B-But..there isn't really a point in me being royalty, Historia said it herself that...She has everything under control and that I will just be here just in case." I said.

"But she has a point...if something were to happen to her nobody would be able to take her place..that why you are so important." She said and softly caressed my jaw line.

"Plus...you said that you wanted wanted to use it as a advantage to further your studies." She said. "Yeah...I guess I'll be seeing my Childhood friend again..." I said.

"Let's get back to bed.." Petra said and picked me up. She carried me back inside and placed me softly on the bed, she got in the bed with me and softly caressed my hair. "I-.." I was cut off by a kiss.

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