💖Chapter 4💖

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Levi's POV.

I just stood there..all that was left of her was the ice sticking of the ground. Both of her gloves were in my hand. What just happened... I heard a slow clap behind me. It was Mikasa, "Great Job...now we can never figure out what she is." She said.

"Take some ice, do testing on it...tell the survery core about this." I said. I walked away and threw her gloves to the ground.

Petra's POV

"Did you mean to do it?" I asked. "I would never try to hurt him." Yona said. Me and her were out on her fathers field. The others were still back keeping a eye on the scouts.

"I'm sorry..if I only.." she said. I put my hand on her shoulder. "It's alright, it's not your fault." I said. "I think I figured it out." She said.

My eyes widened. "I just need a few months but I think I can do it." She said. "Before you came I did a blood test and took some blood from myself." She said.

"We have the same blood type and..since I have abilities it should work." She said. "Can you hold your arm out for me?" I put my arm out. She Grabbed a syringe. She put it in my arm, she put the blood in my body and I shook a bit.

I looked at my hands and they were no longer transparent. I smiled, "Uh..quick try to punch me!" I said. She punched me and it actually hurt,

"Holy shit.." I said. "I can do the others I just to take blood from my siblings, then I have to do their blood types." She said.

"Hey...I just need to say something. With what happened back there..you might go to court so I have to win custody over you. That means I might have to do certain things you won't enjoy." I said. She nodded. "Shit! My dad is coming put this on." She said, she handed me a jacket and I put the hood on.

"Hey Yona, your mom is-..who are you?" He said. "It's my friend..we met at camp but she dropped out." She said. "That's nice, anyway. Your mom is making chicken and rice, do you want vegetables with it or no?" He said.

"I would love a carrot right now." She said. He nodded and closed the door. I took a sigh of relief.

Yona's POV

"Anyway..I have to go take my siblings blood." I said. Petra nodded, I walked inside my house and closed the door. Every time I took a step the floor creeked a bit.

That's the only thing I don't like about this house, I walked inside me and sister's room. "Hey Mikasa." I said. She was reading a book. She looked exactly like our father but as a girl.

She had short brown hair and dark green eyes. Our parents named her after my fathers best friend. She was wearing gloves, she was way more cautious about her powers. It must be because her powers can actually kill people.

"Do you need something." She said in her sweet soft voice. "I just need some blood." I said. "What for?" She said and placed her book down. "Science!" I said. She giggled and put her arm out.

I grabbed a syringe and sucked up enough blood to fill up it to the top. I took it out and put it in my bag that also had my inhaler in. "Thanks Mika!" I said and kissed her forehead. I opened the door and walked out.

I closed the door and walked to my brother's room. I opened the door and saw them playing with their paper cut outs of superhero's. I surprised they haven't got over this, we are 15.

They immediately stopped when I cleared my throat to get their attention. "What you doing?" I asked. "We are playing Titans!" Micheal said. "who's paper is the Titan?" I asked.

"Mine is!" Armin said. My parents also named him after my dads friend. He brown hair with pink tips, Micheal looked like our mother, he had purple eyes and reddish pink hair.

"Nice! I need to take some blood from both of you if you don't mind." I said. They both nodded. I held Micheals arm out, he was the one who could fly. He was my favorite brother because of his sense of humor.

I took his blood and put it in my bag. I walked over to Armin next. He was the strong one. He was more serious when it came to violence, me and him are the strongest out of our siblings.

Me and him could literally take on the hole scout league. I took his blood and put it in my bag. I walked out of the room and saw my parents talking.

"Hey dad." I said. He looked over at me. "Can I show my friend your sword?" I asked. He nodded. I grabbed his sword that was hanged in the wall. I ran outside and sat next to Petra.

"What's that?" She asked. "It's my fathers sword. He was declared God Of The Titans and somebody by the name Zeke gave him this and a shield."

"Can I hold it?" Petra said. "You can't. Only the people with god blood can hold it so basically, you aren't worthy." I said. She made a little whimper, "You can try but it will become extremely heavy." I said.

I passed it to her and the sword almost crushed her hands. I picked it up and she rubbed her hands, "I told you!" I said and winked. She blushed.

"Watch this!" I said and threw the sword and held my hand out, the sword propelled right back into my hand.

"You know, me and your father used to be close friends when he was still in the scouts!" She said. I smiled.

You're Who's Daughter?! (AOT fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora