💖Chapter 6💖

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Yona's POV.

Me, Petra, Gunther, Eld, and Oruo arrived at a restaurant. I opened the door, "Welcome to maggianos! Table for five?" The waiter asked. I nodded.

She led us to a table with five chairs, we all sat down and gave us menus. "I'll be back to take your drinks order!" She said and walked off. "I haven't had Italian food in forever!" Petra said. I giggled.

"Hey, You don't seem really sad after finding out about your family." Petra said. "I'm just trying to forget. Like..I'm thinking that they are doing what they love right now..Micheal and Armin are playing as Titans..Mikasa is reading her favorite book and my parents are farming." I said.

The waiter arrived with a notepad. "Hello! My name is Adriana I'll be your waitress! What can we get for you guys to drink?" She said. "I'll have a water." I said.

"Can I get a bottle of beer?" Petra asked. I was suprised, she is to young to drink. The boys put their drinks in and the waiter left. "I spy with my little eye a stage with instruments." Oruo said. "No no no!" I said in a playful manner.

"Come on Yona, don't be such a bum!" Gunther said. I felt Petras hand go on my thigh and I blushed a bit. "Anyway, what do you guys want to eat?" I asked and looked at the menu.

"I think I'll just get a salad." I said. "I think I'll just get spaghetti with mash potatoes." Petra said. "Ew..." Eld said. "Fuck you."

"Alright! Have we decided what we wanted?" The waiter said as she approached us. "I'll get the Penne with Vodka sauce." Gunther said. "I'll get a salad. Just throw whatever you feel like on it." I said. Petra giggled a bit.

"I'll get the Chicken Cacciatore." Oruo said. "Alright, and you young lady." The waiter said. "Spaghetti with a side of mash potatoes." Petra said.

"Alright. I'll be back with your drinks and soon your food." The waiter started to walk away. The waiter soon came back with our drinks. "Please drink responsibly." She said and gave Petra her beer.

She gave me my water and gave the others their drinks. I Took a sip, it was cold and froze the inside of my mouth. I giggled. "What did you guys get?" I asked. "Sicilian Sunset." They all said.

"You all are so gay!" I said. Gunther let out a giggle.

The waiter arrived and placed out food on the table. I looked at my salad and it looked amazing. Petra took a bite of her mash potatoes, "Wow..you really out down yourself." She said.

I guess the alcohol was kicking in. They all started to dig in, I took a bite of my salad. It was salty but in a good way. "I haven't eaten in 20 years this is amazing!" Eld said.

We all finished our meals in just a few minutes, Petra was completely wasted because of her beer. She only had one glass though, "I'll pay." I said. I put 50$ on the table and grabbed Petra. She was a bit taller then me. She could barley stand on her own.

I made her lean on me and we all walked out, "I'll call a carriage to take us to HQ." Eld said. He put a hand up and a carriage stopped next to us.

We got inside and I helped Petra up the stairs. "Your cute!" Petra said and pointed to me. I blushed a bit and made her sit down.

"Like extremely cute to the point where you are sexy." She said and put her hand on my shoulder. "Help.." i said softly. Eld busted out laughing as the carriage started to go.

We arrived at HQ, it was the middle of the night so nobody was awake or outside. "I think Levi is still up we will go talk to him." Eld said as he, Gunther and Oruo ran inside.

I stood up and helped Petra. I made her lean on me and we both walked inside. I placed her on my bed. I took off her jacket and boots. I laid he on the bed and put the blanket over her.

"Can you stay?" She asked and grabbed the sleeve of my jacket. "I have to study." I said. "Please!" She made puppy dog eyes. "I guess..." I said and took my jacket off. I took my boots off and walked over to The door.

I was about to lock it but decided I shouldn't. "I just want to say I was never drunk." Petra said. I blushed extremely hard. I walked back over to Petra and got in bed with her.

She cuddled up to me and I buried my face in her neck.

I felt her kiss my forehead and I felt myself slowly drift off.

You're Who's Daughter?! (AOT fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora