\⁵\ Ms\Mrs. Potato Head \⁵\

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Yeeuuuppp- ill explain after

Name: Crisis

Gender: Female

Gender: Female

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Ok- Soooo...lemme explain

I had a weird..umm thought? That Sam (A Soldier and her bf) cheated on her..and she finally figured it out and ran off into the kitchen and she grabbed a knife and Sam ran in. She stabbed herself in the chest and carved out her heart. She took her gloves off and revealed the massive cuts on her wrists. Then she sliced herself on the face. 

Now- I understand she was over-reacting (maybe) but she was already depressed and hated herself. She believed she wasnt cared about and that her own father and mother (Felix and Midnightrosekitty) hated her and wanted her dead. She tried staying strong forsomeone she needed: (Not_Adii) . She blamed herself for her brothers ¨death¨ or disappearance and tried her best to believe that Sam truly loved her. 

Im sorrrryyyyy I felt darrrkkkk

Also, I just realized I messed up her shirt- HOW DUMB AM I!? 

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