Remade Vines

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HERE WE GO- Some- I just made up

haha- I remande this one to be more accurate to me  LynneDa_Wolf 's and  AlexIsJustHere' s rps-


Robby: Did you do your homework?

Reven: Did you do YOUR homework? 


Reven: * looks at his mouth * Did you do your homework? 


Remedy: OMG- * holding a bleeding Cloud * HE'S DYING- CALL 911 !!!

V: What's the number ?? !!


Cloud: Really? "What's the number"!!???


Lucas: Dad! My teacher told me that this eraser can erase any mistake! * holds up a eraser * 

Torcher: Let me see that eraser real quick son ... * takes the eraser and tries to erase Lucas * 


Jinx: Can I just pet you, please? * tries to pet Illusion* 

Illusion: * Hisses and bats his hand away *

Jinx: Why not? C'mon-

Illusion: * Hisses again and literally slaps his hand away * 

Jinx: Stop-


W31RD0: * Calling Alex who has ignored him for the past week * Hey Alex, I haven't heard from you all week and was wondering if you were ok ... and If you are ... YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE-


Crimson: Reven, how did I get a 'D' on this test?

Remedy: * laughs a little * Class, what is it called when Iris gets an 'A'


Crimson: Fight me-



Dove: * turns on the light in the bathroom and sees herself in the mirror * Omg- you are so pretty ... * blows a kiss and walks out * 


Robby: Irene ............. IRENE! * sighs * Princess Irene the magnificent ..

Irene: Yes?


Spider: WHO SENT YOU ?? !! WHO !!?!? * points to a huge spider * 

* It moves *



Salem: Why do you have a pot on your head?

Sloth: Daddy, because i'm a 'Pot-head' !!

Salem: ... oh god-


Torcher: You've been playing video games too much ...

Traitor: You wear that mask to much!


Hope: DREAM! You said you were going to watch Daniel ..... and now he's in the hot tub ...

Dream: Dude- stop-



Mark: Too old for toys ...

Anger: Shut up ...

Mark: Too young for boys ...


Done- I might add more crap tho- Now I gotta get ff before my parents murder me :'D

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