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Sooo- the soldier ocs I had all had..

Past personalities that were thrown away and some were actually totally different! (- Cloud, Sky, Lilac and Dove)


Here's a chapter abt what they were supposed to be!

Ace: Ace wasn't actually designed mute- I just added that later on. He used to be this really mean and moody soldier-

Blue: OK- TBH BLUE USED TO BE CREEPY- He's just like- annoying now- but God he was creepy and I'm not going into detail-

Clover: Honestly- the only thing that's changed abt him is his hate for Blue-

Echo: Soo.... EcHo UsEd tO bE a WoMan. I'm pretty sure I mentioned this in an earlier time- but he was a very confident and strong woman-... It feels weird dating that bc I made him self conscious and vulnerable... OH! And he was made to be Lapis's love interest- until I decided... No.

Lapis: he used to be this sweet, calm soldier. Always willing to help out- now he's just-.... Sarcastic-

Indigo: he's extremely forgettable. Still is.

V: V used to be this whole... sweet bby- so innocent and sweet and adorable- and... Very smol- but now he's a demon and is the sass king

Ik Traitor isn't a soldier but let me be-

Traitor or later, Tristan, used to be this really sad psychopath- I'm pretty sure the earlier stages of his story was he was a player who Sin got to

Anyways- if you wanna hear anymore past ocs stuff just..

Ask :}

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