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Crimson: Frick- whats the name for raw toast? 

Echo: .....You mean bread-


Traitor: Do you ever get.. like... water hungry? 

Hind: Thirsty..?

Traitor: ...


Dusk, texting Liam: do you like paseggiliti

Liam, texting: Wtf is that- 

Dusk: pasgetti

Liam: What- 

Dusk: Lol idk how to spell it

Liam: Spaghetti? 

Dusk: yes

Liam: .... your single now.


Mark, on the phone with a nurse: MY WIFE IS IN LABOR- WHAT SHOULD I DO!? 

Nurse: Is this it's first child? 

Mark: No, this is it's husband-


Sloth: So, I was with my mother- in the car- showing it I could drive. And I stopped at a stop sign... waiting for it to turn green.


Sam: I was watching TV on mute once... and started to cry because I thought I had gone deaf- 


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