Look- I'm bored

16 2 19





Anthony: You are an absolute fricking dork.

Noah, singing: Yeah, but I'm your dork!

Anthony: *sighs* Yeah, you're my dork.


Echo: How did you break your leg?

Crimson: Do you see those porch stairs?

Echo: Yes.

Crimson: I didn't.


Tobby: *sighs* So, how did you get shot? 

V: ok- so, I was playing around....A-and... I found a gun... so- .....I uh- I pointed it to my head- because I assumed it was on safety, so I pulled the trigger- 

Tobby: V!!!


Tobby: Ugh, crushes are so dumb.

V: I know. Whenever I'm near the person I like I just start acting stupid.

Tobby: But you're always acting stupid?

V: ...

V: Yeah, don't think about that too hard.


Demise: Wanna get out of here and grab a bite to eat?

Dusk: I don't usually eat with losers.

Demise: Neither do I but I asked you, didn't I?


Elizabeth I got us matching friendship bracelets, and you say I don't care about our relationship.

Claire: These are handcuffs.

Elizabeth: Yeah, 'cause we're partners in crime!


Anthony & Noah in the back of Nova's car: MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!

Eddie: We have food at home.

Nova: *pulls into the McDonald's drivethrough*

Anthony & Noah: YAYYYYYY!

Nova: *orders one black coffee and leaves*


Lynne: Oh god, they texted you 'hi.'' punctuation only means one thing, Alex. They're mad at you.

Alex: No, it's W31RD0. They're just being gramatically correct!


W31RD0: And then I used a period so they'd know that I'm mad at them.

Tsuki: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'.

W31RD0: I stand by my choice.


Noah: How late were you up last night?

Eddie & Nova: Me?

Noah: No, not you two. You stay up late all the time.

Noah, to Anthony: You.


Connor: I truly believe that water can solve all your problems.

Sally: Weight loss? Drink water.

Sam: Clear skin? Drink water.

Tristan: Want to get rid of someone? Drown them.


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