What instrument I think ocs would play in band (while they were/are in school)

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should I make a chapter based off of this? like- if they were in band? 

Noah; Trumpet. 

Just- imagine it- I can see him- blowing his horn into peoples faces (-Anthony) and saying he's better than them- 

Anthony; Clarinet

Personally- I think he'd BEE a great clarinet player. but like- he's that one Clarinet who stresses over squeaking too much (*Coughcough* me..). If someone ever asked what his favorite instrument was- he'd be biased and say Trumpet- 

Eddie; Flute

Whenever I think of flutes- I think; Gentle. So- Eddie! Eddie's very gentle and quiet- so I think he'd match a flutes image. 

Nova; Percussion

Nova is chaotic- hitting things, that's their favorite thing :) 

Dave; Percussion

Nova's buddy in choaticness- (NEW WORD- IT'S MINE) 

Waffles; Trumpet

One word; Annoying

Tsuki; French Horn

 He knows he's better than you- he just won't admit it :) 

Finn; Trumpet

Pretty obvious. 

Luka; Saxophone

.......Idk- matches :) 

Lizzie; Clarinet 

She's..... she's that one clarinet who knows how to actually socialize. (*Cough* Not me) 

Cupid; Trombone

Idk ;-; 

Give me more ocs to put in the band- bc If I make a chapter on this than I need more students :)

We need a tuba :'(  

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