~ What would you do scenarios ~ (OCs)

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Scenario 1;

You're a young kiddo, walking out of school. You see a grey pig, seeming to be in at least 1st grade being pushed around by and bunch of 8th graders. What do you do? 

Scenario 2;

You're in high school and during break you're talking to your friends! A girl, which happens to be a friend of your friend begins talking bad about a girl named 'Crisis'. Making fun of her wounds, name and more. What do you do? 

Scenario 3; 

Referring back to scenario 2- turns out that girl- Crisis- had heard everything that was said about her. You see her run outside, crying. What do you do? 

Scenario 4; 

You're sitting calmly in your house, watching tv. Then you hear a scream and glass shattering from upstairs. You hurry upstairs and see a small white and light yellow creature with pure black eyes. It seemed to resemble a spider and it has glass shards in it's arms, legs and torso. What do you do? 

Scenario 5; 

You're out in the woods, enjoying nature. Suddenly you come face to face with a little fox kid. She has blood staining the stomach of her blue sweater, she had too mismatched shoes and she seems to be wearing a black mask with a frown on it. What do you do? 

Scenario 6; 

Same thing as scenario 5- except you trip over something. You look back and see a battered up teddy bear. What do you do? 

Scenario 7; 

You are out in your backyard, just looking around when you make eye contact with thousands of red eyes. What do you do? 

Scenario 8; 

You are in high school and see a pig with orange eyes by himself, looking as if he just got done crying. You recall that he is ALWAYS by himself. What do you do?

Scenario 9; 

Your friend had begged you for weeks to come down to this abandoned lab with them! You finally agreed and while exploring you see a flea-like creature. Your friend screams and runs. What do you do? 

Scenario 10; 

Same as scenario 9- except you see a small dragonfly-like creature instead. What do you do? 

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