Soldier (Not a drawing)

16 1 1
                             I have noticed that alot of people make their Soldiers (The soldier that they ship with Torcher) extremely innocent. Which is amazing, adorable and such, but it has been brought to my attention that the soldier people ship with Torcher is still a soldier and him acting innocent doesnt reaaaalllyyyyy make sense considering he is surrounded with plenty of others and if he is soft and gentle he doesnt really- ya'know..act like  soldier and i dont think he would be able to be one. The soldier I ship with Torcher is somewhat innocent and the only reason he doesnt know what cuss words are is because he usually blocks out the other soldiers unless its important. The soldier I use is actually really strong and acts all sweet an stuff around Torcher and the others unless he actually has to do his job. So, yes I do understand making soldier innocent as HECK is adorable and ya'know..lovely, but he isnt really acting like a soldier. 

Anyways, I felt like this should be said and also bc I had a feeling I should write this down to remind myself. If you dont wanna change your soldier thats perfectly fine. I dont want you to change your soldier and im not trying to get you to do so. Im not trying to insult you or anything so please dont take offense from this and please dont hunt me- QwQ

Welp, Bai!! 

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