Say my name

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Madam Bones replied to Harry's letter on Sunday. She said that the fact that there was no record of a trial probably meant there was none, and his request for a trial would be granted if there had been no trial for absolute sure. There were a couple other places she could check to make sure of the lack of records. Harry sent a letter back thanking her and asking her to let him know what she found.

Classes the next week continued on as usual, with occasional points taken from Slytherin when Harry "corrected" his last name a little too loudly. A few of the teachers seemed to find it hilarious, but they still took a point or two. He made extra sure to be quiet in Potions, because he did not want to be on Professor Snape's bad side, especially since he really did love the class.

Transfiguration continued to be difficult, and Professor McGonagall was very stern. She always took more points than she gave, it seemed, even if it wasn't for frivolous things. And she rarely took points from Gryffindor, but she also rarely gave points to anyone, and if she did it was usually only up to five. It wasn't that he didn't like the class, she just seemed to think he would be better at it than he was, which made him feel uncomfortable when she was almost always disappointed. It helped that Hermione was there and could help him figure out what he was doing wrong most of the time.

Charms continued to be a class favorite. Professor Flitwick was a fun teacher and he knew ways to teach that would make it easier for the students. He rarely took points, unless it was for outright disrespect or for fighting. He didn't even take points for Harry's last name replacements, chuckling with the rest of the class every time he heard it. There was even a time or two when the professor didn't call Harry Mr. Potter, instead using the charm he was teaching this week, Lumos.

DADA was a joke. Professor Quirrel stuttered so much that no one could understand him, and he always smelled like garlic. Harry's scar always hurt in his classes too. Harry had gone to see Madam Pomfrey, the school healer, at the urging of Neville and Draco, who he also had the class with, but she hadn't been able to do much to help him. She just suggested that it was the garlic smell, and when he mentioned that he had never had his scar hurt because of overwhelming garlic scent before, she just gave him a single dose of a mild pain potion and sent him on his way.

Most of the other Houses disliked Potions, but once Harry mentioned that Snape was so hard on everyone because if the right, or wrong in this case, potion is made wrong, it could kill everyone in the castle, people were less vocal about why the professor was so mean. No one was happy about the amounts of points taken from every House but Slytherin, but they couldn't do much about it. Harry quite enjoyed Potions. It was like a mix of Muggle chemistry and cooking, which was one of the few chores Harry had actually enjoyed.

History of Magic was just as much a joke as DADA. Harry, Draco, and Neville used it to do other homework so they didn't have as much for the weekend, and the rest of their class quickly caught on. They then read the textbook after class and took turns retelling it dramatically.

Flying was fun, and Harry learned quickly. Flying came as naturally to him as it did to a bird. He enjoyed it intensely.

Astronomy was late, and Harry barely stayed awake through the whole class. It was interesting other than that, thankfully.

Herbology was another class favorite. Professor Sprout also rarely took points, and it was the only class Harry "corrected" his name loudly enough for the professor to hear on purpose. Professor Sprout laughed every time.

His letters with Amelia Bones continued and Harry quickly discovered that there had been no trial for Sirius Black. They continued to write back and forth, negotiating when they could have the trial so that Harry could be there. They finally decided on the afternoon of Halloween. Harry had no classes on Thursday afternoons, and it was only the second week of September, so he had plenty of time to ask for permission. As soon as he received the final date, he went to see Professor Snape.

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