His parents names

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Honestly, Harry didn't know why he hadn't expected Marge to show up at some point. This summer was already the worst he'd had in three years and Marge always came for a week or so to see Dudley. Of course, the woman brought her dog Ripper, who was actually a pup of the original Ripper that had chased Harry up a tree when he was younger. Ripper II seemed just as vicious, but Harry was protected by Padfoot, who had taken one look at the smaller dog when Marge arrived and growled loudly enough that Harry felt the vibrations in his chest. Jor also didn't like the dog and hissed threateningly from Harry's sleeve, which he never left. Ripper didn't even look at Harry for the rest of the week. Marge of course, complained about the mutt in the yard. Harry just laughed internally at anyone thinking Sirius Black was a mutt. The one time he had laughed externally on accident his uncle had punched him in the gut, followed quickly by Dudley whacking him in the same place with his Smeltings stick. Harry had then been summarily thrown into his cupboard for the rest of the day after finishing with the breakfast dishes.

The end of the horrible week finally neared, and Marge was making her usual complaints while Harry made dinner. Harry didn't know how many times he'd been punished for "making smart remarks" to some of Marge's complaints. He hadn't even actually said anything most of the time. As he put the dishes on the table and went to start cleaning up the dishes he'd cooked with, Marge started talking about her dogs.

"And Ripper here has the best pedigree, the perfect bitch, and of course the sire was Ripper, my old dog who passed away just last fall."

Harry privately thought it served the hateful dog right, but immediately regretted the thought. It wasn't the dog's fault his owner taught him bad manners.

"Of course, the sire doesn't matter as much when breeding. It's all the bitch. If the pups are bad, then get rid of the bitch." As she said this, Marge glanced over at Harry, and it was clear she wasn't talking about dogs anymore.

Harry considered throwing back a comment about her not knowing if his dad was the cause for whatever it was she blamed him for this week but decided against it. The punishment that would follow wasn't worth it. He reached for the dishes that the Dursleys were finished with silently as she continued.

"You know what they always say, drown the runt of the litter. And Petunia, you were not the runt, thank goodness. That Lily Potter should have just stayed away and not gone and gotten herself a pimp to kill her in that car wreck."

At that, Harry couldn't stand it anymore. His anger grew inside of him, and he felt his magic react with it. He tried to hold back but she kept talking.

"We're just lucky he killed himself along with her. Too bad they didn't take their brat with them."

With that, his magic exploded within him, and Marge began to inflate like a balloon. Thankfully her clothes grew with her after a couple buttons popped off. At first, none of the Dursleys noticed. Then she started to rise, like she was being filled with helium. Shit. The Dursleys are definitely going to notice that.

Harry quickly dumps the last dishes into the sink and bolts for his cupboard. He yanks it open and grabs his backpack that he's kept everything in for the last few weeks. He then ran out the door.

"Padfoot!" Harry calls. "We need to go, now! I accidentally blew Marge up like a balloon and the Dursleys will be out for my blood!"

Padfoot materialized right next to Harry and grabbed his oversized shirt, tugging lightly in the direction away from the house. Harry followed the dog to an alley where Padfoot transformed back into Padfoot.

"Oh Pup, are you ok? They didn't hurt you when you blew up that vile woman did they?" Harry felt Sirius run his hands through his hair and over his face, looking for injuries it seemed.

"I'm ok, Sirius. But they won't let me stay there any longer. We're just lucky my letter isn't due for another week or so. Where should we go and how can we get there?"

"Are you sure you're not more hurt than from the last time that whale of a man beat you?"

Harry shoved his hands away. "Padfoot! I'm fine! Now how are we getting out of here?"

"Yeah, yeah sorry, Pup. We should go to the Leaky Cauldron. We can send Hedwig to Albus and your friends when we get there. She should be around here somewhere since you told her to stay close but hidden while we're here. As to how to get there, we're going to take the Knight Bus."

Harry nodded. "You turn back into a dog and I'll call Hedwig and the bus." He turned away and screeched. Hermione said it sounded like a pterodactyl. A yelp and a crashing sound startled him so he turned just as Hedwig landed on his shoulder to see Padfoot sheepishly looking at him with a bent fence post next to him. Harry winced. "Sorry. Should have warned you. Hermione calls it 'pterodactyl screeching', whatever a pterodactyl is. You good for me to call the Knight Bus?"

Padfoot nodded and Harry double checked Jor around his arm. You good, Jor?

Yesss, Harry Hatchling. Are we finally leaving the bad nessst?

Yesss. We're leaving.

With that, Harry held out his hand and the Knight Bus slammed into the pavement in front of them.

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