Frick that name

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The next morning at breakfast, Harry, Draco, Ron, Hermione, and Neville all sat together at the Slytherin table. All the older students silently made room for the firsties without making a fuss. Naturally, since the entire incident the night before was a secret, everyone knew about it. The five first years chattered happily about nothing in particular, then left early to go find somewhere more private to talk. They quickly found an empty classroom and pulled the chairs together to sit. Ron started the tale of how Professor Quirrel had run into the Great Hall, stuttering about a troll in the dungeons. Headmaster Dumbledore had made it back to the school before Harry and Professor Snape, so he had ordered everyone to their dorms.

"Draco, the prat, refused to leave without at least three apples," Ron laughed.

"Maybe we should call you Apple," Harry laughed. The other three laughed, while Draco pouted.

"If I'm going to be running to the dungeons, I'm not doing it on an empty stomach," he whined, making the other four laugh harder.

"We should all have nicknames!" Neville suggested excitedly.

"Oh yes!" Hermione quickly agreed. "Draco is Apple, of course." The group giggled again, while Draco pouted some more.

"It was one time," he whined.

"Too late to take it back now, Apple," Ron laughed. "Neville should be something with plants since he's so good with them."

Harry nodded enthusiastically. "Ron should be something with the color orange since that's his hair color, but also something with strategy cause he beats everyone at chess, and Hermione should be something that represents wisdom and stuff."

"And Harry should be something helping make fun of his last name," Neville threw in.

"Of Motu Nui," Harry broke in. Hermione burst into giggles.

"Next time you introduce yourself use that one, Harry! And I think your nickname should be [redacted]," Hermione said. Harry burst into laughter with her. The other three looked confused.

"On Muggle paperwork, if something important needs to be hidden from the public eye, instead of using a spell to hide it, they erase the information and put [redacted] in its place. And since I want to erase my last
name, it's perfect!" Harry explained. Now all the children were giggling uncontrollably.

"Oh! Ron's name should be Bonfire! It suits his red hair and people often sit around bonfires to plan stuff!" Draco exclaimed. The other four nodded excitedly.

"Hermione should be Owlet," Neville said. "Cause owls are wise, and we're only first years, plus, saying Owl will get confusing in fifth year." The group agreed again.

"Neville is Mandrake. It's a plant, and it has the word man in it, as well as drake, which are a kind of dragon, which are all very fierce, and we know Neville has a dragon inside just waiting to roar," Harry said.

"Oh that's perfect!" Draco said. "I still think I shouldn't be called Apple."

"Too late, Apple," Neville grinned. "You're stuck with it now. No going back. You're outvoted four to one."

Draco groaned. "But all of you got such cool names!"

"It's your own fault for thinking of the apples above yourself you prat," Harry giggled. "Besides, Apple isn't that bad of a name. Imagine being stuck with something horrible like Potter or something."

All the children burst into giggles again.

Hermione suddenly sat up. "We have to get to class now! Or at least Apple, [redacted], and Bonfire do. Mandrake and I have a free period. Run! You have potions right now and no matter how nice he was last night
Professor Snape will still probably bite your heads off if you're late!"

Harry and Draco gasped, then ran from the room, Ron hot on their tails. Hermione and Neville turned to each other and giggled, then pulled out their books to start on the homework that was still due.

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