Nameless in a crowd

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A/N - We're travelling back in time cause *checks notes* I forgot that Harry needs to learn the Patronus charm ahahah. So here! Have some Ron and Remus POV!

Ron grinned as they boarded the thestral pulled carriages. It was their first Hogsmeade weekend, and Ron was extremely excited for Honeydukes. The twins would probably be in Zonko's, which was a good enough reason for Ron to avoid the prank shop. Harry was, as always, talking to the thestral pulling their carriage, being nudged gently on occasion, which prompted laughter. Ron glanced at Draco and grinned even wider. The blonde was trying desperately to stand still next to Harry, but being nudged by what looked like thin air until it touched you was strange, even if you knew that said thin air was actually a magical creature that was invisible until you'd seen death. Ron supposed that might actually make it worse.

Draco finally managed to get Harry into the carriage and they set off. Ron turned to Hermione to ask where she was going to go first, only to find her already asking him. Ron grinned and pulled out his own blackboard.

I'm going to Honeydukes first. You?

I need some quills and parchment, and then I was going to go to Honeydukes as well.

Draco broke in at this point. I need some parchment as well, but then Harry and I were going to go to The Three Broomsticks for some butterbeer. I think Harry wants to take a quick look at Zonko's for something for Sirius, and Neville wants to go to Honeydukes too. Shall we all meet up at The Three Broomsticks? After our other errands of course.

Ron and Hermione quickly agreed and they set a time. Harry leaned into Draco and almost seemed to fall asleep, but they were writing to each other on their boards. Ron startled a little bit when Hermione awwed at them. What? He asked. Hermione glanced at him with a bewildered look, then she grinned and patted him on the head. I'll tell you when you're older. She wrote. He grumbled at her back and went back to looking out the window.

Honeydukes was an amazing place in Ron's opinion. It had all kinds of candy imaginable. He made sure to get extra sugar quills, knowing that Hermione liked them. She had decided to skip Honeydukes so she could get to The Three Broomsticks. He caught sight of Harry in the next aisle and joined him, grabbing a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. Harry was looking at the chocolate frogs, looking for indications of whether or not the ones he was looking at had the cards he was missing, probably. Ron knew that was a useless attempt. There was no clue as to what card the chocolate frogs had.

You do realize the boxes don't tell you which card they have, right? Ron wrote on his board, tapping Harry on the shoulder to get his attention. Harry just grinned sheepishly and shrugged, grabbing a box of the semi-sentient chocolate. Ready for The Three Broomsticks? He asked. Ron nodded and Harry grabbed a bag of acid pops on his way to the counter to buy his treats.

Ron and Harry reached The Three Broomsticks and quickly found Hermione, Draco, and Neville. Harry sat next to Draco and handed him the acid pops, earning a smile. Ron put the sugar quills in Hermione's bag, getting the Sign Language sign for "thank you" in return. He grinned back at his friend.

After getting their butterbeer, the kids sat around the table, writing on their blackboards and laughing. Suddenly the air seemed to chill very quickly. Ron would deny it later, but he immediately grabbed Hermione's hand. It felt just like it had on the train and when the dementors attacked the Quidditch game. He noticed Harry grabbing Draco's hand as well, and Neville shuffling closer to Harry's other side. The sound of screaming reached them and Rosmerta was stopping at each table, giving out chocolate and directing the children to go behind the counter where it would be a little safer.

Ron saw her notice Harry's white face and fear filled eyes and she gave him extra chocolate as well as a quick hug before moving on. Ron saw Draco pull Harry almost onto his lap before the dementors burst in and Harry seemed to almost convulse. Shortly after the black haired boy fainted. With a glance, Ron noticed that Neville had his eyes shut tightly. Ron remembered that Neville had watched Bellatrix, Rodolphus, and Rabastan Lestrange and Barty Crouch Jr. torture his parents. Draco also seemed to be in a lot of pain, and Ron remembered his story of the Dark Lord Crucio-ing his parents as well. Ron only had a second to register all of this before he was struck with the absolute fear of watching his favorite teddy bear turn into a spider under the combined willpower of the twins. He hadn't been able to touch that teddy for weeks after his mum had turned it back.

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