Chapter 68 - Madame Pomfrey

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Sirana woke to the sound of dishes clanking. She could tell it was morning, and she could see the light around the curtains. She sat up in the bed and looked at Severus. He was
breathing deeply. She reached out with her mind and could tell he was still unconscious. Severus's mouth was slightly open. She kissed his lips gently before rolling out of the bed. She was still wearing the clothes she had battled in, minus her jacket, and she hoped Andromeda had a change of clothes for her.
She went out to the living area. Grayson and Andromeda greeted her. They had made breakfast and were doing dishes together.
"Come on in. We have news," Grayson said.
They sat at the breakfast table, Teddy asleep in the bassinet next to them.
"The war has been won. Voldemort is dead," Grayson said.
It was such good news, but it was shadowed by the loss they all felt for their fallen friends and family.
"Your grandfather sent a message. He is bringing Madam Pomfrey today to see Severus," Andromeda said. "Don't worry,
she will be discreet."

A Soul Undiminished—Severus Snape
"Thank you so much...for taking us in. I know it's been so hard on you, and I'm so sorry for your loss. If there's anything I can do to help, please ask," Sirana said.
"Thank you, dear. I'm thankful to have you here. You are welcome to stay as long as you need. The dark times are past, and I dreamed last night of clear skies ahead," Andromeda said, smiling sweetly. Her eyes were still puffy from her tears, but her face held a peace that reassured Sirana that she would be alright. They ate together, talking about Tonks and Remus, and how much the baby looked like them both.
When they were done, Andromeda said she would clean up, and offered them a bath and a change of clothes. Their clothes were covered in blood and dirt, so she was happy to start the day out clean.
Her grandfather and Madam Pomfrey arrived early in the afternoon. Sirana took her to Severus, whose condition hadn't changed since they arrived. Everyone gathered around his bed, and Madam Pomfrey shooed them all out.
"One of you can stay. They rest of you can wait outside," she said.
Sirana stayed, hopeful that Madam Pomfrey could help. She knew she was a skilled Healer, and she trusted her to do all she could to help. She helped Sirana take off his jacket and shirt, which were stained with blood. Madam Pomfrey examined him thoroughly, then took a vial from her medical bag.
"Hold his head up," she instructed, and Sirana complied, grateful to be able to help.

Madame Pomfrey
Madam Pomfrey administered the medicine, then told Sirana, "Your grandfather told me of his injuries, and of the treatments he's received. You are very fortunate. Very fortunate. Without you and your grandfather, he would not have made it. He may be unconscious for a day or two. Any more than that and you must send for me again. If he awakens, he needs to remain in bed for at least a week. Just keep him comfortable. Your grandfather has told me of his true nature, and I can say that I am not surprised. I have known him for many years, and I am relieved to hear that he was not truly aligned with Voldemort. Even if he was, my responsibility to his health would not vary."
"Thank you. I really appreciate your help," Sirana said, grateful for the optimistic diagnosis.
When Madam Pomfrey left, Sirana stayed with Severus. It had been a year since they'd had more than a few stolen moments together. She missed him. Seeing him now tore at her heart. She was so thankful he was alive. Their life would undoubtedly change, and she couldn't envision what their future would be, but as long as they were together, she knew they would carve out their own path.
Sirana's grandfather came into the bedroom and put his arm around her shoulder. "We're going back to Hogwarts. There's still a lot of injuries to tend to. We won, Sirana. There's going to be a lot going on for a while, at Hogwarts and the Ministry. We have sustained losses that we will never forget, but we will rebuild. We must be vigilant to protect what we have regained, but I can see the hope in everyone,"

A Soul Undiminished—Severus Snape
her grandfather said, and she heard the conviction in his voice and his message.
Sirana stayed with Severus the rest of the afternoon, caring for him the best she could.
Grayson came in to check on her. "So, this is the one, huh?" he asked.
She looked up at him and smiled. "Yes, he's the one," she said.
"Well then, he's a lucky one. I always thought you were fairly mad. I just figured that was why you were such a good flyer— and fighter," he chuckled.
"Oh yeah? So what's your excuse?" Sirana asked.
"Oh, I'm a bit mad too. I just hide it better," Grayson said, kissing her on the head before leaving. She'd never seen Grayson in such a good mood. Maybe the weight of the war lifting off of his shoulders had freed his spirit.
"If he kisses you ever again, I shall have his lips removed," she heard a low whisper.
She swung around in shock. "Severus? Severus!" she cried, looking to see his eyes open, but barely.
"Yes. Remember that, because it won't be long before you will be saying it with much more passion," Severus said, then closed his eyes again.

Madame Pomfrey
Sirana kissed his forehead, placing her hand on his cheek. "Severus, I love you. I'm happy to see that you've developed a sense of humor while you've been out," she said, amazed at how much she could love a man.
"I love you too, Sirana. Now, leave me be. I'm sure you've been doting over me like a mother hen. I need to sleep," he said, opening his eyes again for a moment. His lips turned up in a small smile, and he fell off to sleep.

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