Chapter 19 - Merciful

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"I have found that, while it is true that life is rarely equitable, it is once and again known to be merciful."
Severus thought of the words Albus had said to him as he dressed in preparation to teach his classes at Hogwarts as he had a thousand times before. Today, nothing felt the same. The routine of getting dressed for the day—buttoning his jacket and sleeves; donning his black, flowing robe; combing through his long, black was all familiar, but different.
Severus looked in the mirror—he was different. He looked back to the bed where Sirana was still sleeping. He wished he could stay. After last night, he didn't want her to wake up alone. He thought about leaving her a note, and he smirked at the thought of what he could possibly write that would match what was in himself, what he couldn't even find words to speak that would come close to telling. He withdrew his wand and produced a single flower, a daisy, and laid it on his pillow next to her.
To new beginnings, he thought wistfully, and to innocence.
He gathered the books he planned to use for his classes and
left to meet the day. Severus knew his heart felt softer, but he

A Soul Undiminished—Severus Snape
was painfully aware that he must not let that change his hardened resolve to see the events to come to their as yet uncertain end. He had much to do, besides just leading his classes, and it would take his unwavering focus to see them through.
Professor Snape burst through the doors to his classroom, walking in long strides, his robes billowing behind him. He didn't meet the eyes of any of his students before gruffly commanding, "Has any of you NOT successfully completed the assignment I gave you for the weekend?"
He inwardly pitied whoever was going to raise their hand, because he was in a right foul mood for being in the classroom when he had so many other places he would rather be today, needed to be. Two students raised their hands warily, a boy and a girl.
"Fine. I have two volunteers for today's subject matter. Please make your way to the front of the class expeditiously." He knew that he had the reputation of being a bit of a bully. He also knew that life was not kind, and what adversity his students may face from him would not even begin to match what they would face out in the real world. He refused to coddle them to their own detriment. He thought of Sirana then. What kind of teacher had she been? He could almost imagine adoring students being nurtured by her tough but fair sensibility. One corner of his mouth crept up in a smile, and he heard Ronald Weasley whisper to Harry Potter, "Look, he enjoys torturing kids so much, it's the only time he smiles."
Severus shot him a stare so menacing that the poor boy practically shriveled in his seat. "You! Mr. Weasley, I just realized

I need a third volunteer." He met eyes with Harry Potter, and the boy wisely refrained from commenting, however, Potter's glare did not go unnoticed by him, and he was once again reminded of his disdain for Potter's hubristic nature. Severus heard snickers throughout the classroom, but everyone stopped and sat alert in their seats as he glared across the room looking for more volunteers.
The rest of the morning went equally well, and it was finally time for lunch in the Grand Hall. Severus sat in his usual spot up on the elevated platform. He greeted each of his fellow colleagues with a curt nod. Headmaster Dumbledore caught his eye as he passed, and he could feel his face start to warm. Dumbledore grinned conspiratorially, taking his own seat in the center of the table. Suddenly, Severus realized that he had left nothing for Sirana to eat. There was some food in his rooms, but not in an obvious place where she might find it. He had planned on staying away for most of the day, as he had tasks to achieve today that exceeded those of his teaching duties. He gathered his lunch and hurriedly made his apologies before leaving.
Dumbledore stopped him before he could make his exit, casually asking as he passed, "Professor Snape, all is well I hope?"
"Yes, thank you. I have simply forgotten something back in my rooms that I require for my teachings,"Severus replied coolly.
"Ah, very well, carry on," Dumbledore replied with an odd look and a dismissive wave.
Severus found himself walking more briskly than he could
account to himself for. He knew he had plenty of time before
his next class as he never had a class scheduled following the

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