Chapters 1 - Malfoy Manor

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About this book: This book is now available through Amazon and Kindle! I think this is the link: If that doesn't work on Amazon, try searching for "A Soul Undiminished" by Robin Ray" I'm so excited about having it published. I hope you enjoy it. I only get a couple dollars for each copy sold, but it it really satisfying when someone buys a copy of my work. It is written from the sorrow I felt when Severus Snape died alone at the hands of Voldemort and Nagini. I so wanted there to be more for him, and so I have written it here.  The story starts some time before The Half Blood Prince and on to The Deathly Hollows. I can't promise a happy ending, but I can promise an ending that is a bit more equitable. I will admit that Alan Rickman inspired me to write this, and his words have inspired me in other aspects of my life as well. In his interviews, he encourages people to learn about courage...and that we should be courageous about ourselves. So to all of us who share our words and emotions for each other: Here is to courage! Also, fair warning, there are some steamy parts, and although this is a bit of a romance, I hope it only adds to the story. I would also like to thank J.K. Rowling for this alternate realm in which to escape to. I've read that she allows and even welcomes fan fiction, which I appreciate, and she owns the rights to the elements of her stories, as I do to mine. I would to also like to say a loving thank you to Alan Rickman. I like to think of his work as a gift from him to us...those of us who couldn't know him personally yet craved to do so. He gave us all a part of himself, and even though he is gone, that part of him was his gift for us to keep. Love...Always.

Chapter 1

Malfoy Manor

Severus Snape entered Malfoy Manor by Apparating directly into the main hall, having been invited there by Lucius Malfoy himself. If he hadn't been expected, his way would have been blocked by protective spells, and the result would have been a painful rejection to outside the gates of the Manor. What he didn't expect to see was a woman hanging above the large fireplace, as if standing atop the mantle, with her hands tied at the wrists behind her back. Her long, dark blonde hair was tangled with sweat. Her gown was in the same state as her hair, and clung to her body and legs.

Lucius Malfoy entered the room, which was otherwise empty, and greeted Severus more warmly than was his nature.

"I see you have a new plaything, Lucius. Is she the reason you asked to see me, or an attempt to add to the ambiance?" Severus asked in a disapproving tone that he softened with a small quirk of a smile. Despite being a professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Severus had to uphold his reputation as a Death Eater among those who trusted him to do anything for the Dark Lord.

Lucius laughed and looked at the woman, then sheepishly back at Severus. "No, no. Although I will admit that she is quite the mystery. My staff found her on the lawn. She was unconscious and seemed close to death. I suspected she is a spy, so I have been conducting an inquiry with her. She has not been willing to cooperate, so it has come to this. Her story is one of ignorance, and as much as I have enjoyed using almost any means necessary to relieve her of her truth, I am growing weary of her obstinance."

Lucius started to brush off the subject, getting to why he had asked for Severus in the first place, when Severus realized something strange and asked, "Is she a Muggle?"

"I believed so at first," Lucius replied quietly. "However, she has a very strong mind, so much so that I am inclined to believe that she is part witch." He hesitated, then continued, almost embarrassedly, "She has thwarted my attempts to enter her mind completely, and I simply cannot seem to break her. I am now using a spell that is quite insidious, one that mixes pain with pleasure, and although she seems to be finally weakening, she resists me still."

Severus knew of the spell, as it was dark magic that the Dark Lord often used. He wasn't overly surprised, especially since Lucius was envious of the Dark Lord's power, and it was not beneath him to imitate the Dark Lord's magic. He was surprised that anyone, let alone a Muggle, could resist the almost tortuous effect of it. He was more curious than he wanted to admit and tried to reach into the woman's mind himself but was met with a wall of stone and fire. Just as he pulled back, he suddenly felt the wall drop and so halted his retreat. He moved deeper into her mind. His breath was almost taken away when his mind reached out—fire threatened to consume him as the flames licked at his brain in a way that was painful yet enticing. He realized she had let him into her mind enough to share her experience, and he was immediately aghast at the thought of her being subjected to any more of it. He knew nothing of this woman, and yet, there was something that inexplicably drew him to her. Of course, he let none of this reach his expression, and instead, turned away to have his talk with Lucius.

"I'm sure it will come to light eventually," Severus said, waving off the subject as if it were none of his concern. Lucius shared the reason for the meeting, and from Severus's experience, the request for him was not going to be pleasant. Severus agreed to the mission that was given him, supposedly directly from the Dark Lord, and assured Lucius in his most dangerous tone that he need not worry about anything being missed. Lucius smiled and clapped Severus on the arm, keeping up pretenses of being good friends, both knowing that the trust between them was no longer there. Lucius carried a suspicion of Severus, fueled by jealousy and contempt, as he knew the Dark Lord held Severus in high esteem. Severus knew of Lucius's suspicion of him, knowing him therefore to be terribly dangerous to Severus's secret allegiances. He also knew Lucius had his weaknesses, which perhaps made him even more dangerous. Severus nonchalantly turned his attention back to the woman, who was quiet, except for her breathing, which gave away her discomfort.

"Perhaps, when you are done with her, if there is anything left worth sharing, you can send her my way. I have been a bit bored as of late, and I could use a distraction," Severus stated with an eyebrow raised.

Lucius gave him a knowing grin, considering the proposal for a long moment. "Actually, Narcissa is returning this weekend from a trip, and I'm not completely certain if she would think highly of a beautiful virgin decorating our mantle," he said wryly, and maybe a little regretfully. "I have had more than my share of virgin sacrifices thrown my way and have found them to be overrated. So, if you are willing to take her with you, I see no harm in sharing her misfortune with a friend," he said magnanimously.

Severus looked more closely at the woman, noting her to be not so old, and not so young either. For the first time, he realized that she was indeed beautiful, even as dirty and tattered as she first appeared. This made him wonder at what Lucius had said about her being a virgin, and why Lucius would even share that bit of information. He had no illusion that Lucius could have easily used his considerable skills at magic to find out. That was of no real concern to him though, and the desperate desire to save this woman from suffering any more at the hands of Lucius drove him to action now. He did not want Lucius to sense any of this, so he quickly accepted the offer and removed his wand from the sleeve of his long overcoat, using his own magic to release the woman from the spell, lowering her to stand next to his side. Her legs looked a little wobbly, so he reached behind her to grasp her by the clasps holding her wrists to steady her without giving Lucius the impression that he cared one way or the other if she were to fall. The woman stood straight, raising her head to cast a look of seething hatred towards Lucius. Lucius stepped forward, raising his hand as if to wrap it around her throat, stopping just short.

"You dare meet my eyes again knowing I can crush you into a pile of flesh and bone?" Lucius spat menacingly. "I almost envy you Severus," he continued, speaking to Severus while not taking his eyes off her, "as you will have the pleasure of breaking her down, and hopefully, tearing her apart."

This woman obviously had some power in her to trigger so much fury within Lucius. Severus smirked at Lucius, not daring to look down at the woman in his grasp. She was standing against his side as if to steady herself against Lucius, projecting rebellious hatred towards him. Severus felt a strange feeling of needing to ally himself with this woman. He did not want Lucius to have any inkling of his thoughts, otherwise the wizard would see her as a tool to use against him.

"Well, you can take comfort in knowing I will share any information of the mystery I am inheriting." Severus's slight smile did not reach his dark eyes. He then Apparated back to his rooms at Hogwarts with his prize in tow. He looked down at the woman and was surprised to see her looking at him intently, without a speck of the intense hatred she had held for Lucius.

Why the bloody hell did I involve myself in this woman's life? he thought to himself.

One thing didn't escape him though—even with the news of his mission from the Dark Lord, his mood felt less tired and dark than it had in ages.

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