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Heyyo guyss
Guess who is back???

Well i just want to apologize for leaving you guys without notifying you guys and without any single update for so long💔 or solid reason.

Wollah school this term was so stressful,we just have to squeeze and cover up everything because of the long covid19 break we went on,so we had to rush and i also have life outside wattpad,friends,family.....

I wanted updating but i couldn't make actually , on the month of December i manage to type the next chapter and the next day when i log in i couldn't found it on my draft ,and i didn't have time to type again because it was a week to my sisters wedding and after that we had alot of weddings know December is for weddings.

So you guys should tighten your belts as we go on a roller coaster trip😂❤

I will update as soon as possible💯get ready for the mind blowing something 😂.

The next update will serve as my birthday gifts to you all insha Allah,all December born happy birthday to us in arrears 🍻💜
And. Happy new year in arrears also🎉
Being alive from 1st January 2020 to 31st December is something to be thankful for✨🙏

Happy married live to those who just got married on December and presently this month🙏😻,rest in peace to all souls that we've lost last year and this year🙏💔😥Ameen.

May 2021 serve us well and be a better year🙏

Ya Allah!!grant us a good end to all our affairs,accept our prayers,make what's coming better than what has passed and protect us from humiliation of the world and torment of hereafter✨❤🙏


Lots of love...

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