Chapter Nineteen

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Not edited.

Hello August!!!

Happy birthday to y'all August celebrants🎉

Toh i've finally update,
Sorry for not updating earlier.
Its because of Eid ul Aldha,the preps and everything.
Kunsan mu mata😂 ga saloon,ga kitso,ga lalle da dae sauran su
But before i forget

Happy Eid Ul Aldha🎊

Na tabbata har yanxu kuna washe hakora da nama🍗🍖🍲

Dont forget to keep my naman sallah oo,zanzo muku yawon sallah😂💔

    Lermme not chika ku da suruta na😂





Butter cups

Calm down just keep on

It's over there

Here it is


           *   *   *    *   *    *   *    *


    I was in the parlour upstairs watching 'My sibling and I' on African Magic Family when i hear a footstep coming from downstairs,which is so weird because everyone is asleep i'm the only person awake at that hour of time because i couldn't sleep.
        I kept the remote control with the bowl of crushed snickers aside then went down to see what's going on,i saw a manly giant figure dressed in black all through.
     "Who are you" i said feeling extremely scared. "Hello can't you hear me?" I asked again in a shaky voice,my body was already shaking and sweating. He move closer and his face was cover with a black mask,he was wearing black all over.
       He then started stalking towards me and i kept on moving backward till i finally hit the wall,i am really terrified right now,i attempted to scream out loud but i couldn't find my voice anymore. He stride towards me and covered my mouth with his gloved hands, i tried to push him so bad but i couldn't "if you try to scream or make any sound,i'll kill you" he said putting a knife on my throat. I couldn't even swallow the lump that formed in my neck i was just very scared.
     Ya Allah help me!! Who are this people?ya Rabb help me escape from this clutches of them. The man who's holding me whisper something behind my back and nodded his head to who so ever he is talking to,i couldn't see who is talking to,before i could say pim  i heard a strong metallic object hits on my head twice before i could open my eyes everything went blank..........

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