chapter eight

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Thursaday 26th December 2018
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Here it is

Today was saturday so there is no work.i woke up around 11am with a heavy headache,i decided to eat my breakfast before taking any pill, I took a very hot shower that took me 30min before i was out.
I was now dressed in a sky blue shirt and ash sweat pant. I finish knotting my hair,glancing myself at the mirror then i headed to the family chamber.
I went to the dinning island but nobody was there only jidda, i guess the rest of the family have eaten their breakfast since 9.
Good morning ya imran jidda greeted 'morning how are you and how was ur night i asked politely 'am fine jidda answered.
Imran served himself blueberry pancake with chocolate syrup,mashed potato and banana nut smoothie.
Jiddah aren't you done eating imran asked while cleaning him mouth with serviette, am almost done she answered.
Imran just nodded his head and left the dinning island'' jidda was very slow when it comee to eating i guess she was here since when the family where having theirs''.
I went to Abba's room and ummi was there,good morning ummi,good morning sweetheart was your night she asked,fine alhamdulillah ,i did same to Abba before heading to our chamber.
I met ya jameel already awake,ya jameel good morning,morning imran,how is our wife i asked him ,our wife or my wife ya jameel said rolling his eye brows(lolx😂)
Our wife dae nikam when are you taking us me and khalifa because we missed her,you guys should be ready on friday after isha prayer.ohk ya jameel allah ya kaimu i concluded before heading to my room.
I took some panadol extra then decided to take a nap before zuhr prayer. I woke up by the adhaan being called alhamdulillah the headache has subsided. I went to the bathroom perform my ablution before heading to the masjid with ya jameel,abba and safwan.
After we are back,khaleefa came and we went to eat lunch. After lunch me and khaleefa went to adda jameela's house which is located in Audu bako streets.
Oyoyo uncle run ayman shouted running towards me, i open my arms and we engaged in born crush hug,uncle khaleefa juwairiya said and hugged khaleefa.
''Ayman and juwairiya are adda jameela's kid if you didnt forget earlier i told you ya jameel and adda jameela are twins and they look very much alike,Ayman use to call me with uncle run because when he was three we couldn't pronounce my name while juwairiya has been khaleefa's fave girl since when she was one ''.
Ha'a whose voices i am hearing adda jameela said coming out from her kitchen,allah ku yaran nan bakuda mutunci imran daga kai har khaleefa. Haba Adda jameela sorry mana khaleefa said pouting that make us laugh out loud,ba wanin nan ace kuna garin kano amana you guys
Cant even visit me she said angrily,we have to apologize before she forgive us.
What of ya na'im isn't he not around we asked,he went to Abuja to attend a meeting she said.
Rahane come and serve my guest adda jameela said(Rahane is adda jameela's maid since when she was a bride)
Ina wuninku she greeted ,lafiya lau we answered , she kept the drinks and snack on the table and left.
We stayed in her house till isha after having dinner we chitchat small then decided to take our leave,we bid them goodbye before we left.
Khaleefa drive me home before he left.

    It has been a week since our grad's dinner, Gosh!am just tired of sitting at home. I took my bath then dressed in a white and blue atamfa gown and a flat black gucci shoe. I finish tying my' ture kaga tsiya' style  with my atamfa headtie,glance myself at the mirror,i decided to wear shade i reach my walk in closet and i open the wadrobe,i had different collection of shades picking a black rayban,i took my gucci side bag with my too match veil before heading downstairs.
     I sometimes go out with hayfa but she travelled to  Gombe to visit her grandparents from her mother's side.
       Hayfa's mom is from gombe state,she is tera by tribe from yamaltu deba local government but her parents lives in gombe state.
       Malam lawan took me to Aseeya's home.Aseeya is my best friend since only God know(lolx😂)he drop me at there residence and i told him to come pick me after isha.
       On my way to the door i met ya mus'ab coming out of the house. ya mus'ab good morning i greeted him because it was 12 in the morning,how are you zarah,am fine ya mus'ab,he asked me about mama and the rest i told him all fine.
        I headed inside the big polished parlor and glance umma from behind i tiptoed and hugged her.
    Ha'a zarah na how are you doing she asked,an doing fine umma na you also how are you doing,am doing fyn zarah na am umma answered,what of baba isnt he around,Ooo baba is still sleeping she concluded we chatted small before i asked her about aseeya and she told me that she is in her room upstairs sleeping.
    I went upstairs and barged into her room screaming her name but she didn't even budge.
     I silently open the fridge and brought out a cooled water then silently poured it on her sleepy face.
    Kutt stupid human being so you are the one Aseeya said rubbing her eyes i throw her a towel oya anti go and take your bath u are stink i said, oh God who is stink Aseeya said throwing me her shoe on my head.
     Aseeya took her bath before they headed to havilla to get themselves ice cream woohh!! Believe me when i tell you this girls like chilling.
        They arrived there and zarah bought bubble gum and lavender flavour while Aseeya bought Avocado and peach ice cream,there payed for the money and left.
         We went back home and umma told us baba was awake so we went
To his parlor to greet him after that umma made her zobo for us'' believe me when i say umma's zobo is the best because she made the most wicked zobo on earth".
       We where watching gameshakers and taking our ice cream in Aseeya's room after we are done,we did our aseer prayer before we decided to stroll.
     Aseeya where is mustapha i asked her hmm how will i know she replied,dont tell me you guys fought again  i asked her,ke abegii dont distrub me Aseeya said laughing (mustapha and aseeya are neighbours, mustapha love's aseeya but she is forming shakara for him,he loves her since when we're in SS1 but she told him she dont have time for that and is her studies that mattered but i dont know for now since we are done with secondary)
      Kutt don't worry soon or later i will get to know,keda kanki xaki fada ba wanda yasani.they there where strolling gisting and distrubing the street when a car pulled over in front of them.
      It was a black mercedes benz with tinted glasses,we were scared so we gently moved away from the car holding each others hand tightly and continue walking.
    The car moved forward and pull the glass down,wow!girls so i will see you again the guy said we turned back to see who the person was woo!!Alameen we all said at the same time.
     You guys graduated and left us and we couldnt be able to see you again i asked,yes i got admission in london so i left immediately i just came back last week,so where are you guys going he asked.
    We came out to stroll,after we chatted with him he took us back home and we exchange number before we thank him and left.

      We went back to Aseeya's room,woh! zarah, alameen really surprised me i didnt think he will talk to us,i cant describe how happy i am aseeya blabbared all in one breath "oh my God" breathe before you faint!"
Zarah said to her. 
      (Alameen!we attended the turkish with him,Alameen is very handsome and cute also that every girl in our school is crushing on him. He was the head boy doing their set while then we were in SS1,since when thet graduated we didnt see him again because in got admission in london and left. Aseeya  has a crush on him back in school,everybody loves him because he is very handsome,well dressed person plus cuteness)
        Me too i had a crush on him but not the way Aseeya had on him,we were gisting about him when hanne(umma's maid)ask us to come downstairs food is ready,we went down and eat with umma,ya mus'ab and baba after eating we cleared the dinning and help hanne to wash and cleared the kitchen.
    Immediately after isha prayer malam lawan came to pick me,i bid umma,baba and ya mus'ab goodbye,umma didn't forget to give me five cans of zobo before i left,Aseeya escorted me to the car,she blow some kisses on cheeks before she left.

Hey hola pipu,
   How are you guys doing,wooh longest chapter so far.
Sorry for the late update guys,i couldnt update because we did alot of weddings and i did my birthday on 12th December but i promise to update very soon insha allah.
   Many people got maried this december may Allah grant them happy marriage life in there homes and the people that died this month may Allah grant them jannatul firdaus.
   Dont forget to
       Lots of luv

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