chapter eleveen

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Ignore all typos please.....

Dedicated to @hafsatuuwazry today its her birthday.

I woke up the next day so excited. I sleept yesterday at mama karama's section in Adda mero's room, i love adda maryam because she is understanding but sometimes harsh.after i came out of the room i went downstairs and mama karama,sadeeq and lubna were at the dinning table having their breakfast,she asked me to come and take my breakfast but i wasn't hungry and i also hate taking my breakfast in the morning till 12,and so i pinch sadeeq and run out of the crib as quickly as i can.
     Don't mind me,sadeeq turn outs to be my best friend because he is my human diary and also my brother,mama karama gave birth to him on 10th september while i was born on 20th september just a week and three days between us.
    He followed me and i ran to our section,i ran to Abba's parlor and God save me abba was there if not hmmm guys forget sadeeq is very strong ,so i quickly went and hide behind his back i didn't even bother to greet abba na please tell sadeeq to leave me i said giving him my best shagwaba look, then sadeeeq dashed inside the room,Abba good morning abba please allow me to deal with this girl sadeeq he said,no sorry sadeeq you know little zarah is my angel abba said to him,sadeeq just eyed me as i stuck my tongue out childishly and he ignored me and left.
   Zarah silently trudged to their room and meet hayfa arranging her clothes for the trip. Zarah went into the bathroom and took her bath,she was out after 40min.
    Albeit she was wearing an igbo rapper gown,her hair was in a loose ponytail so she applied her khol before she headed downstairs to take her breakfast.
     She was done taking her breakfast and it was already 1pm so she went back to her room said her asr prayer then decided to go visit mama karama's section,on her way there she met lubna,sadeeq,hayfa,adda nabeela, and ya ahmad at the gazebo having face time with adda manal.
    I pop my face into the apple ipad to face time adda manal.  Hey fav sis,chabbb little zara'u so u're still alive adda manal said from the other end,kuttt haba momym malik am still alive mana or do you want me to die zarah said rolling her eyes,hhh this girl you will never change har yanxu cutar auta na damunki adda manal said laughing,leave her adda manal you know how zarah is when it comes to cutar auta she will never change that habit ya ahmad said laughing,i know her kam so i heards you guys have all gotten your admission so congrats,thanks adda the three of them said at the same time,zara'u you have loose weight how comes adda manal said,why won't she loose weight the stubborn girl that doesn't like eating food only junk foods she knows how to eat hayfa and sadeeq said,so little zarah put till now you are still with the habit of not eating ko.......they talk for some times before they ended the call.
   We were playing words after the facetime with adda manal when i saw aseeya coming toward the gazebo so i ran to her giving her the warm best friend hug i can,ke pull me off i can't breath aseeei said,i knocked her before we went to the gazebo,so aseei joined them playing the words they were all talking while playing the words without full stop so i told aseei if she is done she should come inside then went back.
     Stupid pikins i thought you guys will sleep in the gazebo.....,hayfa interrupted before i could finish talking and she told aseeei everything about me and alameen even our chats.
   Kut shine you couldnt even call and tell me koo,no problem i will soon disowned you,i had to plead and plead before aseei was down.
     So when are you guys meeting she asked,i think tomorrow. Lalle you think ma?this girl is so stupid wollah you guys have to meet tomorrow aseei said, yeah that's what i thought of ,ok i will come tomorrow so that me and hayfa can help you out,ok ma'am your wish is my command and they all boost out laughing.
   They ate,snap,dance,and watch a movie so it was  for isha prayer,they said they prayer before aseei left.
    Zarah came back to her room and she message alameen that they will be meeting by tomorrow after that she took her bath,performed ablution then lastly she wore her hello kitty pj's and lastly she dozed off.

             ✨The next day

      It's 12:40 in the morning,zarah was still fast asleep when her phone call woke her up,she got up grumpily and picked the phone call from the night stand she didn't even bother to check the ID caller. Hel..... Before she could finish talking the caller stopped her.
    Ke hold your hello i don't need take your ass out of the bed it's almost to 1pm and you know your plans for today right you only have 3 hours,i would have been here since 12 but umma went out immediately she is back i will be on my way aseei said.
     For Goodness sake it's just 12:45 fa i still have like 3 hours zarah said in her sleepy voice.
    Yawwa umma maself is back i heard her voice,i will be on my way in a jifty she then ended the call.
   Zarah knew how aseei could if she come and meet her still on bed she will keep nagging until am done.
   So i gently got out of my fluffy hrf as i headed to the bathroom,i took a very warmed morning shower with my strawberry and lemon shower gel after that i brushed my teeth and yooo and i was out.
     I was rubbing my raspberry lotion when aseei came in.
  Oo God save you i came and you're not sleeping then she settled down on the couch.
After some minutes hayfa came in with my breakfast,she did so so that i will be fast if not they know me when it comes i eat slowly like a walking snail.
    After i was done taking chips,sausage,hot chocolate tea and vanilla cake as desert,they choose a blue and white fitted atamfa skirt that curves my shape and the two step peplon atamfa shirt and so aseeya applied a nude make up guys am not the make up type and aseei is a professional make up artist.
   Wow the make up was simple and beautiful she just changed me up,thanks babe you are such a durling i said hugging her.
   Thanks so much babies,i was about wearing a chain on my wrist when my iphone vibrates and it was alameen. Hayfa handed the phone me as she was more closer to me so i hit d answer button we talked small and he told he is on his way,we are meeting at cilantro restaurant and lounge,i told him i will soon be on way and i ended the call.
  I told them it was at cilantro restaurant and lounge and it is one of the five most expensive restaurant theu both said.
   My wore my black leather gucci flat shoe,my silver designer wrist watch that aseei bought it for me when she went to qatar then lastly my small purse.
  I was about to talked out of the room when aseei dragged me,she took some pictures of me and on snapchat also we did some video all together and it was already 4:00 i bid them,best of luck and dont forget to save every little details in your memory aseei whispered on my ears before i headed downstairs i told mama babba i was going out,she didnt ask me where i was going because i told her i was going out with a friend.
    I entered my CRV then hit the road to cilantro.

To Be Continued.

Hey babies...
  How are you all doing?how is the self isolation coming through??and so ramadan is commencing tomorrow insha allah may God forgive us and accept our ibadat.

Please guys stay safe ..
Stay at home,keep personal hygiene and observe ur ibadat as it is the month of worshiping.
May Allah azzawajal save and protect us all ameen.

              So how was the chappy and how did u think of thr date.
Dont forget the usual business
And follow

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