Chapter four

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    Hayfa and zarah were on bed gently sleeping when some knocked on there door
        Who is the person busy knocking the door abeg take it easy don't break the door hayfa said in her sleepy voice(hayfa though it  was adda nabeela that's why she make that statement) ,open the door it's your dad. zarah wake up its daddy hayfa said,zarah's eyes buged out like a saucer ''daddy kuma karya kikeyi yaushe daddy ya dawo bamu saniba ''(you are lying when did daddy came back and we were   not aware).
       Won't you open the door for me ne or aren't you happy to see me daddy said,hey hayfa wollah its daddy. They both ran to the door as they open the door they both engulfed him into a big bear hug and he hug them back.
       Little zarah and hayfa how are y'all,we are all doing great daddy,i miss the both two of you,we miss you too daddy they both said.But daddy when did you come back zarah asked,ohh our flight landed around 3:30am so i told your mom not to tell you cause i wanted to surprise the both of you.lalle what a surprise hayfa said and they all laugh,now no more sleeping all of you should go and pray your subh prayer cox its already time and today is Monday so you should get ready its already 5:30am daddy said and trudged out of the room.
      Zarah and hayfa performed they wudhu and glumly pray there subh prayer,hayfa headed to the bathroom to take her bath while zarah was still on her pinky praying mat reading her fav surah suratul noor.
    Zarah am out go and take your bath don't stay long don Allah cox I know you its already 6:00 be fast so that we won't be late.
     I took off my hello kitty pyjamas,I put on my fluffy towel round my petite frame and silently dug into the bathroom.
        I took my bath,brush my teeth then finally came out of the bathroom i wiped the water that was dropping down my body with a mini towel.I rub some  body cream then grabbed on my school uniform, I applied my khol,white powder and lip gloss then comb my hair , I now tie it up with a ribbon then lastly I put on my cap I sprayed my wonder flower perfume,put on my Michael kors wrist watch I carried my hijab and school bag then melancholy went out.
     Hayfa and zarah headed down stairs mama babba and daddy was on the dinning table having their breakfast so they greeted the both parent and joined them,adda nabeela and ya fahad were also there too and  we greeted them. I eat some spicy sweet potato with vegetable scrumble egg and I glump it down with a glass of banana shaka.
    Zarah dont tell me you are satisfied see what you just eat and sit down and finish this food mama babba said,I am satisfied mama babba is there some remaining chocolate cake and samosa zarah asked,yes there is the chocolate cake is in the fridge while the samosa ask maimuna to fry some for you and hayfa mama babba said.
     Gaskia mama babba kina sakewa zarah da yawa ace yanda zarah take batason cin abinci adda nabeela said.
      Ya fahad shouted at zarah C'mon will you come back and finish eating before I slap you, you are still with the habit of not eating ko?  She immediately came back and join them  with out saying a word, I shine dai dai dake(he suit you right)daddy said and they all laugh except her and ya fahad.
     They finished eating and maimuna trudged out from the kitchen with two bags of chocolate cake and samosa wrapped in a foil paper along with banana shaka in a bottle,she handed it to hayfa and zarah and they sauntered out of the house.
      Malam manniru we are done can we go? Hayfa asked,lubna is not here you should go and call her mallam manniru said.what of sadeek is he out zarah asked,yes he is already in the packing lot waiting for us.
      Zarah was about to go to mama karama's section when lubna came out holding her lunch bag and sock in her hand.haba lubna be fast or we shall be late it's already 7:40am zarah said,they all went to the packing lot,they hop into the car and they zoomed out of the compand as they headed to Turkish.

Today was friday so there  was not much work at the office so I went back home, it was already 12:00 and by 1:30 it will be time for juma'at prayer.
      Imran took his shower and wore on his perfectly sewn ash gizna,he also put on his zanna bukar cap and put on his  i-watch  lastly he put on his  snickers and sprayed his oud mood perfume,he carried his iPhone 11 and majestically trudged out.
       I went to ummi's side and Abba,ya jameel and safwan were all in Abba's parlour waiting for me. So all of us including ummi,jidda and maama took some family picture and we went out .
      Prank(Abba's driver)drove them to the masjeed with the black range rover.
    We came back from the masjeed and after taking our super,khalifa came to our house and we hang out.

    Today was Friday and tomorrow being Saturday will be our graduation day insha Allah,so me and hayfa were busy. We went to collect our graduation gown from our tailor malabis.
       After coming back from her shop daddy gave us some money to buy what we needed for the graduation so we decided to go to shoprite to buy our needed items there cox we hate going to the market.
      Ya Ahmad drop us there and informed us that if we are through we should contact one of the drivers cox he will be attending a meeting by dat tym.
     Zarah since we are almost done with the shoppings let's buy some ice cream and pop corn and then we can go inside the cinema cause i think God of war season three will be out today and it will showed in the cinema hayfa said,kai gaskia this is a good idea zarah said.
       So they went to the cinema they bought the ticket and headed in ,the film was over and they decided to go finish there remaining shoppings.
    Zarah and hayfa were coming down from the elevator when someone bumped into zarah and her phone went down,she bend down yo pick her phone but the phone has already trashed down.
    Hey mister are you freaking blind?can't you see you bumped into me and you have trashed my phone and you can't apologize zarah said. Hey girl dont try to insult me the guy said and was about to go when zarah blocked his way.
     What the hell is wrong with this man,hey I think you lack manners huh,I think you don't have any elders at home that's why you lack manners but its not your fault,a useless man like you can't say common sorry she articulated in a harsh tone.
      Girl watch your tongue you know am not your mate,you should even be happy that I even listened to you. I know you are shouting just because of your phone huh, let me see hmmm well is not your fault that's why you look worried just because of Samsung galaxy s8,I guess you struggle to buy it but now I have trashed you phone. Dont worry I will buy the latest phone for you and please dont thank me cox I don't have your time so follow me to get your new brand phone before I change my mind.
   Now he really messes with the wrong girl. are you mad,I dont need your phone I have the money to buy the latest phone if I want to,an imperious man like you here is some pieces of advice go learn some manners.
       Before he could utter another word hayfa dragged her and they left him there dead shock.
      Zarah learn how to control yourself,let's go I have already called one of the driver, he must be here by now hayfa said.
     Stupid of him naso kin barni dashi wallahy a kwasa yan kallo a wurin,but his face is familiar to me zarah said angrily and they trudged out.
Hey guys,
I hope y'all doing great and I hope you like this chapter how did you think of the next chappy.
    Gaskia I have started to love little zarah,see how she put some senses into this man head,but the question is who is the guy🤔. Let's wait and see who is the guy in the next chapter.

Dont forget to
                 Lots of love💖

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