Honeymoon forever

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Jen woke up, relatively late in the morning, and smiled to herself. They were running out of honeymoon far too quickly for her liking, but she still had one more day and night left in paradise with her perfect man. She gave his arm a little squeeze, but he wasn't showing any signs of waking up. This was odd; generally he was awake long before she was. Although, last night she'd shown him no mercy. She sniggered to herself.

She sat up and looked around the room. The Monopoly board was still laid out on the floor on one side of the bed having been abandoned for a new game; her tiny thong underwear had seemingly landed on Go. Then the empty box of Valentine's Day chocolates on the floor on the other side of the bed; she blushed as she recalled the memory of how those had been consumed. Quite a night, last night, all considered.

She reached for her phone and looked at the latest image in her gallery. Cringe. What had seemed funny last night, now seemed a little embarrassing. She looked at the image, then at the naked husband, then at the image again, then at the naked husband again. The naked husband definitely looked far more appealing.

Signs of life began to emerge from the naked husband. "Oooh, yum yum. Still got that chocolate party going on in my mouth..."

She giggled, as his arms pulled her welcomely closer. "Can I have a taste?"

"If you m.."

She leant down to kiss him before he had the chance to finish his sentence, then sat up again "Yeah. All because this lady loves Milk Tray."

He sniggered, eyes still closed. "Get back down here."

"Ooh, bossy much today?" she teased, as he opened his sleepy blue eyes.

"Hmm okay, let me try the more polite approach. Wanna get closer?" This was combined with an eyebrow-wiggle to die for.

"Yeah. But not just yet." She nodded her head towards her phone. "First, I'm going to delete that picture I took of you last night. I hate it. Your face looks weird."

He sat up, and rubbed his eyes. "I thought it was more about the ole body?"

"I can look at that any time," she reminded him, as she did so quite happily. "Still, it gives us an excuse for another photoshoot I guess.."

"Aha! I know what it is, you feel threatened by your rival! If that photo got out, my underwear dominance would be unstoppable..."

She giggled, and collapsed into him. "Last day."

"Yup. Gotta make it count. Honeymoon forever!"

"Honeymoon forever!" she smiled, giving him a lazy high-five. That had become their mantra over the last week or so. "I know I keep saying this, but we really owe Rick one for letting us stay here."

"We do. I can't believe it's our last day already."

"It's been perfect. Every second of it. More than I ever could have hoped for."

"Same. Treasuring every memory right here." He put his hand on his heart. "Still, we've got more memories to make today! I'm so pumped for what I've got planned for you today... you're gonna love it! Although, we need to get you appropriately attired first..."

She giggled again, and gestured to her naked state. "This attire not appropriate?"

"For what we're doing later? Probably not. For now? Definitely."

But then there was a colossal noise from above them, almost like a plane flying directly overhead.

"Whoa!" Maxwell jumped out of bed, and ran to the window. "Crap! A plane just landed on the beach."

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