And then there were three

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(Trigger warning for labour and childbirth scenes. Also strong language, NSFW content.)

"JEN! JEN! Wake up! Oh god, oh god, this isn't good.." Maxwell was shaking her ever so gently, but she wasn't responding. He placed his hand on her belly, feeling it shuddering with a contraction. This couldn't be right, could it?

"Can we get some light in here?" Rick bellowed in the darkness.

What did the doc say? Think, Maxwell, think... He searched his frantic brain for useful information. Any more little knocks and bumps could bring on labour... well, yep, that seems to have been a fairly accurate warning, doc. Your labour is likely to trigger another syncopal episode... can be dangerous for baby in itself, especially if baby isn't engaged and ready...

Hana was beside him now. "Maxwell, don't worry, she'll be okay..."

"No, no, this isn't good! It wasn't supposed to happen like this..." And then the third piece of advice hit him like a ten-tonne truck. If you do go into labour suddenly, it's imperative that you make sure you have medical assistance at the scene... "No, nooooooooo..."

"Buddy, you've gotta hold yourself together," he heard Drake say, as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

Drake called me buddy? Sweet! Jen's passed out.... Not so sweet.... Emergency lighting came on, and he focused on Jen's face desperately, as tears rolled down his own. "Wake up, little blossom, please..."

Her eyes opened. Phew! "Whoa, Maxwell, what's happening?"

"JEN! Ohmygod, you're okay. You're okay." He kissed her cheek. "You're in labour."

"Whoa. Okay. Right. We can do this, yeah?" She looked up at him bravely.

"Yeah," he said, wiping the tears away. "We can do this."

"Step one, let's get moving." She sat up slowly. "And has anyone called Dr Ramirez? You know we need her here, or someone... after what she said...." She looked around, and Maxwell gulped. "Oh... We're stuck in here, right?"

"We're stuck in here," Drake confirmed.

"It's part of the new security we put in place," he heard Mara's grim voice from behind him. "The blast doors are supposed to protect the palace from attack. No-one gets in, or out."

"Godfrey must have given himself the ability to override the system when he helped design it," Bastien added. "Our controls aren't working. The doors are staying firmly shut."

"We need them open, now!" Rick yelled angrily. "Duchess Jen must have a medic present while in labour, and so we need to get someone in, or get Jen out, immediately."

"We'll do our best, Your Majesty," Mara sighed, and she and Bastien headed off to attempt to do just that.

Drake groaned in frustration. "Those outer shutters are going nowhere unless they can find Godfrey's spare controls or someone's got some TNT kicking around."

Everyone looked at Olivia.

"You honestly think if I had a stash of explosives handy I wouldn't have detonated Madeleine into outer space this evening?" Olivia grunted. "Rick? Maxwell? Know if there's any dynamite anywhere in this palace?"

"No, but why would you be asking Maxwell?" Rick gaped.

Fair question. "It's not unreasonable to ask me..."

"Forget it. Walker, Rick. Bradshaw, you too, get over here. Help me try and force this inner shutter. We can at least try and get Jen out of this ballroom and somewhere more comfortable."

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