Nostalgic putty

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The convoy of limousines arrived at the ranch just before midday, and Rick was pleased when he and Olivia received a warm greeting from his four closest friends on getting out of the car.

"Not been the same without you, buddy," Maxwell enthused. "The dream team all back together again."

"Get in here, bestie," Jen demanded, pulling Olivia into their shared hug too. Rick could tell OIivia's resultant pout was forced.

"So, what's new with you two?" Hana asked, as Rick looked around at the ranch grounds, memories stirring of the long-ago summer he'd spent time here when he was a child. It hadn't changed at all.

"My annulment is imminent," Olivia said with a smirk.

Jen and Maxwell let out simultaneous gasps of delight. "You know what I'm thinking, right?" Maxwell said, looking at Rick. "Divorce partyyyyy!"

"No," said Olivia in her most disdainful tone, which silenced Maxwell.

"That would hardly be tasteful when your brother is celebrating his wedding," Rick commented. "Speaking of, is the bachelor party organised yet?"

"Yes," Maxwell said, just as Drake said "No." They looked at each other, confused.

"Well, which is it?"

"I've planned a full evening of entertainment around the various nightspots of the Texan capital," Maxwell said. "It's going to be high energy!"

"It's not," Drake said. "Bertrand doesn't want to do any of it."

"As best man, what we do is my call," protested Maxwell.

"Babe, you'll bring the party whatever you guys decide to do," Jen said, exchanging a careful look with Drake.

"I am sure we can come to some sort of compromise," Rick said. "Perhaps the four of us could discuss our plans tonight, while the girls are having their own celebrations."

Drake nodded. "Works for me."

At that, a second car pulled up, and the other ladies of the court who had arrived for Savannah's bachelorette party emerged from it.

First to approach them was Madeleine. Rick noticed Jen's body language harden and her eyes narrow, and watched as Maxwell put his arm around her protectively, his expression becoming more serious.

"Duchess Jen. Duke Maxwell," Madeleine said politely. "I apologise for any unintentional offence caused at the Council meeting."

Jen's expression remained steely. "I don't think it was unintentional, Madeleine."

"Forgive me, I find it difficult to empathise where emotions are concerned." She looked sincerely at Jen for a few seconds, then continued towards the house, where she greeted Savannah and Bertrand who were hovering by the door.

"Bitch," hissed Olivia.

"Takes one to know one," giggled Jen.

"Thank you," smiled Olivia, placing her arm around Rick's waist and smiling up at him. He found himself smiling back at her.


There was finally some quiet in the ranchhouse, the ladies had left for Savannah's bachelorette, and even Maxwell had made himself scarce, he was currently upstairs with Bertrand talking wedding stuff (and, Drake suspected, making one final attempt at convincing him that a wild night out would be a better bachelor party option). Drake was relaxing in the quiet lounge, a whisky in hand, pleased for the solitude.

"Ah. There you are."

It was Rick, which was fine. "You caught me getting a god-damned moment to myself."

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