Baby's first superman pose

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So far, the second annual Beaumont-Jones New Year's Eve Extravaganzaaaa had not been quite as full on as last year's inaugural event, but it had been an enjoyable evening nevertheless. It was being hosted in one of Valtoria's cosier function rooms rather than its ballroom, but still had its own designated bar and dancefloor area; tonight's entertainment comprised of comfortable sofas and party games rather than glitter bombs and trapeze artists. It was all very much in Jen's comfort zone; she figured she would just about make it until midnight; and while there were no fireworks here this year, she did wonder if Bella might wake up at midnight when they put the palace fireworks on the big screen TV in the hallway (she was currently sound asleep in her bouncy chair).

Midnight was fast approaching now, and most of Jen and Maxwell's guests were well oiled with a troubling combination of champagne, Maxwell's punch, and their own supply of whisky (guess who). Someone had just brought up Jen's least favourite subject, and it was currently being debated in a slightly less diplomatic way than normal.

"Can't we just have the kid assassinated?" Drake pondered. "Bella can't marry him if he doesn't survive into adulthood!"

"Drake!" Hana was horrified. "I do hope you're joking.."

"We can get Olivia to do it, right Rick?" Drake shrugged, and looked at his best friend hopefully.

"Can I kill his parents too please?" Olivia said with a malicious grin. "I could make it look like a terrible, tragic accident..."

"No-one is assassinating anyone," Rick said, clearly uncomfortable with the topic. "In jest or otherwise."

"Aw," Olivia and Drake chorused.

"Wait, I've got an idea," Maxwell said, standing up from where he'd collapsed next to Jen about thirty minutes ago. This was going to be interesting. He managed to remain on his feet long enough to reach for a rejuvenating mouthful of punch.

"Challenge them to a dance off?" yawned Olivia.

"A stupendous idea, Olivia, but park that one. We just make sure Bella is the worst possible fiancee ever! If she's awful to Isaac, he'll have to break it off with her! We can tell her to sleep around, encourage some casual gaslighting, throw in a bit of domestic violence here and there..."

Rick's jaw had dropped, and Jen got to her feet to drag Maxwell back down to the sofa. "Not helpful, babe."

"I rather think Annabelle will be expected to act at all times in a manner in keeping with her royal status," Hana said.

"Ugh, at all times? Really?" Maxwell rolled his eyes. "Who agreed to this nonsense?"

Jen patted him on the head and kissed him on the cheek. "You did, babe. You did."

"I'm sure she'll have some opportunities to cause mayhem and chaos," Bertrand sighed. "She wouldn't be your daughter otherwise. But her morals must remain intact."

"Agreed," Rick said. "And let us hope that she will be free of this betrothal by the time the mayhem and chaos ensues."

"Ooooh, that should be our group New Year's Resolution!" Maxwell agreed, sitting back up. "To get Bella out of the betrothal!"

"I can definitely drink to that," Olivia said with a rare smile, charging her glass. They all leant in and chinked.

"Our time to act will come," Rick said, reassuringly. "But in the meantime, we'll be taking advantage of Auvernal's resources. They have offered to help us catch Godfrey, and I'm holding them to that."

Jen noticed Olivia's smile dissolve, and she let her feet scrape across the ground. Clearly she wasn't too happy with this part of the deal.

"How big of a threat do you guys think Godfrey really is?" Maxwell gasped. "How freaked out should we be?"

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