The squid sceptre

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Sunlight shone through a narrow gap in the bedroom curtains, indicating morning's arrival. As Jen stirred and moved her body a little, she winced in pain. Her breasts were so full of milk by now that she was going to have to do something about it before she went to collect Bella.

She slipped out of bed, carefully so as not to wake Maxwell. He really could do with catching up with some sleep after their round two in the small hours, she thought, feeling a hazy warmth all over at the fresh recollection. She soon located her breast pump, and tiptoed into the en-suite bathroom to express some milk.

About ten minutes later, there was a tap on the door.

"Moo," she called back, playfully.

"Well hello there Bessie," came his fake southern drawl. "Got any milk 'fer me this fine morning?"

"Only for Bella," she acknowledged. "And it's still coming. Give me a few minutes."

She heard him crashing about for a minute or two, then it all went quiet for a little while -presumably he'd gone to find another bathroom for that early morning call of nature. She smiled, reliving their intimacy from last night. It had felt so good to feel normal, to feel like a lover rather than a mother for a little while. Now? She was well and truly back in mother mode, even though she wasn't quite back with Bella yet.

On leaving the bathroom, she got dressed, putting on something casual, as she planned to change into her outfit for tonight's function later in the day. She was just taming her wild hair, when there was a familiar rat-a-tat-tat at the door.

Beaming, she went to let Maxwell in, impressed by what he held in his hands.

"Coffee and bagels? Oh, and a few little cakes that were definitely meant for tonight..."

"Belinda gave you these, right?" She arched an eyebrow.

"Well yeah, but only because I asked her to whip up a special breakfast for me and my gal..."

She giggled. "Well, best we enjoy this quick, I imagine Savannah and Bertrand are pretty keen to hand Bella back over by now."

He held a hand up as she took the tray from him. "I just saw Savannah in the kitchen, everything is under control, and they'll expect us down in about an hour."

"Okay." This was good to know. She placed the tray down on the dresser, and plopped back down onto the bed. "Well, I hope Bella's hungry. Got a full bottle over there for her." She was definitely missing her baby girl now, but she wasn't averse to the idea of a leisurely breakfast with her babydaddy either.

It didn't take them too long to eat their breakfast, even though they were animatedly chatting about anything and everything as they did. Once the subject of Maxwell's new book came up, Jen couldn't get him off it, not that she wanted to. He only had a few more chapters to complete, which he hoped to do after Bella's anointment ceremony when things would hopefully calm down a bit.

Once their plates and coffee mugs were empty, Jen looked wistfully at the bottle of milk she'd just expressed.

"You're ready to get back to Bella aren't you?" Maxwell observed.

She nodded. "Yeah. I feel weird without her. Is that weird?"

"It would be weirder if you didn't." He stood up, and offered his hand. "Come on then. Let's go get our girl."

She took his hand, and smiled as she stood next to him, taking in the room. "I guess she'll be in here with us tonight, but when she's asleep, how do you fancy a bit of Ramsford roleplay circa July 2018?"

He stopped in his tracks. "Ooh. Now I can't wait for tonight."

"Me neither." She kissed him one last time. "So. Ready to go back to your regular old life as Super Dad?"

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