All talk and no tango

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Contains strong language and gorgeous art scene from 

The following afternoon, Jen found herself boarding a plane without Bella. It felt a bit like boarding a plane without one of her limbs; she knew she was only going to be away from her daughter for just over twenty-four hours, but it was such a wrench.

She thought back to her first trip to Auvernal, just under a year ago, when it was Maxwell who she'd left behind. It was still the longest they'd ever been apart, and while she'd found it challenging at the time, she knew it hadn't done their relationship any harm. That time, of course, she'd had Bella with her, as she was unknowingly in the early stages of pregnancy. This time she had Maxwell, so that was something. Although, she felt incredibly guilty that they were both going to be away from Bella at the same time; Maxwell didn't seem to share that sentiment, he was as hyped for travel as ever, with his snacks and his playlists all ready.

Bertrand and Savannah had been delighted at the chance to look after Bella overnight. It turned out that Bertrand was expecting his medical test results tomorrow afternoon, so having his little niece to dote on this evening would be a welcome distraction. He'd been in good spirits this morning, and Savannah had been similarly optimistic during their handover this morning that her husband's health was improving, which was a great sign.

Said handover had been a little traumatic – for Jen, at least. Bella had been fine, but Jen was conscious that her daughter hadn't really spent too much time with her Uncle Bertie and Auntie Savannah, although she seemed enthralled by cousin Bartie from the start. And Bella would have her pets, familiar things, and staff who could help out around her, too. But she wouldn't have her mommy or her daddy, and that was already breaking Jen's heart as she boarded their flight, looking wistfully back at the Cordonian ground behind her before she made her way into the small private plane.

They wouldn't have time to change before the event, so they were all dressed up for the short flight. Maxwell had pulled a real beauty out of Jen's never worn before wardrobe, a gorgeous Beaumont blue ballgown with a white neckline and furry white arm sleeves. Maxwell was wearing his classic and classy black and white suit, this really wasn't the occasion for his more audacious attire.

"Oh Jen, you look lovely," Hana said, leaning over her seat to assess her friend's outfit. "You really look the part."

"I know, right?" Maxwell was buzzing with excited energy, he still didn't seem to share Jen's reservations over abandoning their girl. "She looks hot!"

Drake groaned. "Almost two years on and your compliments are still so basic. How is Jones still with you?"

Jen smiled to herself as Maxwell pondered his response. "She's still with me because I know how to treat a hot lady, Drake. By picking out a hot dress for her to slay in! Because, the more eyes that are focussing on how hot she's looking, the less eyes will notice why we're really in Auvernal! Badda bing!"

"As stunning as Jen looks today, I really don't think it will make a difference," Hana said, as Jen and Maxwell sat down.

"To you, Hana, maybe? It's making a difference to me! Know what, I'm half tempted to blow this mission and take my classy wife out on a classy date when we land in Auvernal." He placed his hand on her knee.

She nudged it away. "That's not what this trip is about, babe. We need to focus." They weren't travelling to Auvernal for a date night, they were travelling there to support Olivia anyway they could in her quest to find the piece of evidence they all needed.

His expression changed to one of concern, as Hana and Drake turned back to talk amongst themselves. "Hey, you. Bella will be fine. It's going to be tough for both of us, being away from her overnight and all, and I get it if you're feeling like she should be here with us. But it'll be good for you to recharge your batteries. Just to be a person, not just Bella's mom." He looked panicked again. "Not that you're ever just Bella's mom to me, of course.."

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