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"But it's not my birthday for three weeks?" Maxwell was puzzled, as he examined the large crate that had arrived the day before the ball. Chance was running around it too, yapping.

Jen stood against the wall, arms folded. "I know. And I have an epic idea for your actual birthday present. But I thought this would come in handy for tomorrow night. Might be a while before we host another event here, especially if we're going to be expecting soon."

"Okay." He paced around the massive box. "So it's something that will help me host an event... ooh is it some signage or LEDs? I could do with a big old DJ Beau-music display... kind of looks the wrong shape for that, though..."

Jen giggled. "Let's just say it's a little more regal than that. Or, perhaps I should say ducal. Let's not get above our station."

"Nah, that's a job for the next Beaumont-Jones generation," he said with a proud smile in Jen's direction. "Right, I'm going in! Christopher? Some assistance, please!"

Christopher came running over within seconds. "Your Grace?"

"What have we got in the armoury that I can open this crate with? The crazier the better."

"Your Grace, we don't have an armoury."

Shocking. He turned to Jen. "How can we have lived here for four months and not have an armoury yet?"

"It is on the list," she giggled. "Somewhere after indoor putt-putt room and trapeze room..."

"Maybe we should rethink the order of room construction," he pondered.

"I'm just pleased the spa's next," Jen said. "That will definitely come in useful when I'm pregnant."

"Oh, it will." He shot her a voracious look. He had big plans for that spa room.

Distracted with naughty thoughts of said plans, he hadn't even noticed that Christopher had disappeared. He now returned with a crowbar. "This should be adequate."

"Adequate?" He sighed. "Oh, Chris, we need to talk."

"Wait, wait, you don't want to damage what's inside, babe," Jen explained. "Trust me. If you get dynamite out or some sort of medieval weapon, you might wish you hadn't."

"Okay, okay, let's get in there already!" He was just tall enough to get some leverage over the top of the box with the crowbar, and it didn't take him long to prise the top off the box. "So... hey...."

Eventually the sides came away and standing in the hallway in front of him was his very own throne! He stood suspended in awe for a moment.

"I didn't think it was right for me to have one and not you," she told him. "After all, you're as much a Duke as I am a Duchess."

He looked over at her. "Jen, this one is fit for a king, let alone a Duke.."

"A squid king," she giggled, pointing to the detail at the top. "Thought it would complement the phoenix on mine nicely."

He jumped onto it and sat down. "Aw yeah. I feel like thirty times more important already. Wench? Get here and bow down before your glorious master."

She complied as he knew she would. "How can I serve you, oh mighty one?"

He sniggered. "Now come on, you know the answer to that, but there's kinda people about right now."

She giggled, and looked up at him. "So you like it?"

Hopefully his face said it all, but just to clarify. "You know, when I think about some of the presents you've got me in the past, I have no idea how you're going to keep this level of this is the best present ever up. But, somehow, you smash it out of the park every time."

The Royal Heir - The Valtoria Diaries 2Where stories live. Discover now