A decent Hollywood sex scene

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For those of you who haven't read "We Never Had this Interchange" the fic I cowrote with the amazing Exbex, here's the happenings you'll need to know about in a nutshell...

Somehow, Jen and her counterpart from Exbex's ficverse, Riley Zane, trade places and wake up one morning in what they both think is their own bed with their own husband. Chaos ensues. The gang eventually figure out how to port Riley back to the parallel universe from whence she came while returning Jen to her rightful place. All is right with the world again. For now...

This chapter is NSFW.


Jen woke up very early due to the bright summer sunlight. Opening her eyes, and looking around, she definitely felt like this was where she should be, but she still didn't quite trust her instincts after the events of a few days ago. However, she'd now figured out a foolproof way to check. Maxwell was still dosing next to her, fortuitously with his back to her at the moment, so she pulled the covers away and did a quick butt inspection. Yep. This is my Maxwell alright.

"Uh, Jen, what'ya doing?" he grumbled, trying to grab the covers back.

"Just checking," she giggled, covering him back up and spooning into his snoozy body.

Probably the most traumatic part of the whole getting trapped in a parallel universe thing had been the fact that she'd woken up in what seemed like her own bed, with a guy who looked, smelled, and acted exactly like her husband, but when she'd returned to bed after her early morning call of nature (the joys of pregnancy) she'd found one of his buttocks hanging out of bed. Which in itself wasn't out of the ordinary, but said buttock happened to have Property of Riley Haseya Zane tattooed on it. What had happened next had been... confusing.

Anyway, the good thing was she was definitely in the right universe now, as that particular buttock was tattoo free and the other was suitably squiddy. The bad thing was, once again, she really needed the bathroom.

She gently let go of Maxwell so as not to disturb him further, and slowly manoeuvred herself out of bed. Gosh, this is only going to get trickier as my bump gets bigger. She stood up, wincing at the resulting leg cramps, and flexed her feet in turn to relieve the pain, waking the corgis who had all been dozing on their beanbags at the foot of the bed.

"Shh," she told them, and popping on her new maternity robe, she led them to the bedroom door and let them out of the room, then tiptoed on towards the ensuite.

After a minute or two she headed back out again, feeling much better and ready for some serious cuddle action. But she found Maxwell sitting up in bed, a giddy grin on his face.

"Look at this, Jen! Grayson emailed me at 6.06am! That's got to be important, right?"

She looked confused. "Uh?"

"He wants me to come in for a meeting. This morning!" He leapt out of bed and tore towards the wardrobe. "OMG, what am I gonna wear?"

She still didn't get it. "What's the big deal? You've had loads of these meetings.."

"But I think this is the one, Jen! I think this is the one where he tells me that Hollywood want my signature on their brightly coloured, beautifully illuminated sexy little dotted line!"

She loved his enthusiasm, but it was coming a tad too early in the day. "Shall I go and make some tea?"

"No, no, no, you get back into bed and rest your lovely little head a little longer," he decided, throwing a robe around his naked body, and then ushering her back into bed. "I'll go get your breakfast, and then we can decide what I'm going to wear to the meeting!" He leant down and kissed her gently on the lips. "Are you coming with me? Please come with me!" He looked a little forlorn; he was still coming to terms with their unexpected and downright bizarre temporary separation earlier in the week too.

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