Wish upon a stick-on star

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Yes, okay, their alarm had gone off a few minutes ago, but Jen didn't really feel like getting up just yet. She was warm, and comfortable, and safe in Maxwell's arms right now. His lips were tickling against her forehead, and she could feel his heart beating underneath her fingers as she trailed them lazily over his chest. Five more minutes of this would do just nicely.

But then she heard his phone ring. He grumbled, and reached for it. "This better be good, Chris."

She opened her eyes just in time to see his expression change. "Ohhh crumbs. Be right down!" He slid the phone back onto the bedside unit. "He's early!"

"O-kay." She giggled. "Best we get up then."

The two of them hurriedly freshened up and dressed, and ten minutes later made their way down the spiral staircase, followed by all four of their corgis, where they found their house guest waiting for them expectantly.

"Daaaad!" Maxwell threw his arms around his father. "You made it! Although, you're early!"

Once he was released, Barthelemy looked back at his son, bemused. "You said 10am, yes?"

Maxwell glanced at his smartwatch, and then grinned at his dad. "It's 9.45!"

"To be early is to be on time, Maxwell. To be on time is to be late. Do you not remember anything I taught you as a child?"

"Well, you're here now," Jen said, before Maxwell could apologise for not doing anything wrong. "Has Christopher collected your things?"

"He has, he has." Barthelemy smiled. "Quite the character, isn't he?"

"He's been soooo excited to meet you," Maxwell said. "But not as excited as I've been to have you to stay! Come on, I need to show you around my crib!"

He grabbed a bewildered Barthelemy by the arm and escorted him further into the hallway. "But first, behold! The magnificence of our founding forefather... Maxwell Beaumont!"

Jen took great satisfaction in the genuine interest on her father-in-law's face. "Why, wherever did you find this wonderful artefact?"

"A curiosity shop in Cordonia," she informed him. "The Gilded Apple, I think it was called? I got some amazing gifts for all of my wedding party there, but this was definitely the star prize, for my winning man."

Barthelemy took a few steps towards the statue, and began to pace around it. "This indeed is a depiction of your namesake, Maxwell, the first Beaumont to arrive in Cordonia. We came by sea, and settled on land, taking Ramsford as our realm, impressing the young Rys queen, and seeing off any threats from across Cordonia's waters..."

"YEEHAH! I AM SPARTACUS!" Real Maxwell had clambered onto the horse behind statue Maxwell. "Giddy up, let's go and fight some Nevrakis scum!"

"Maxwell, what are you doing?" Barthelemy frowned.

"This always happens," explained Jen.

"You are aware that we were never at war with the Nevrakis dynasty?" Barthelemy said with a glare. "They have always been our allies."

"So, I miiiight have accidentally ended that alliance while you were comatose," Maxwell declared. "Come on, Jen! Join me and we'll gallop to Lythikos together to wipe out the last of the line!"

"You're definitely on your own there," Jen sighed. "I'm not sure I could get up there if I tried."

"Stop fooling around, boy," Barthelemy said. "Get down and show some respect to your ancestors."

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