The party never ends

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"C'mon Drake, if anyone was meant to do this dance, it's you!" Maxwell was currently "instructing" a confused Drake how to dance in an incredibly strange way to what sounded to Hana like modern South Korean dance music. "Heyyyyyyy, sexy lady!"

Jen was clapping along in delight. "Op, op, op op, oppan Gangnam Style!"

Drake was completely defeated. His face showed his anguish as he obediently galloped about in sync with a delighted Maxwell.

Hana felt hands on her shoulders, and turned to see Rick. "Oh. I never thought I'd see the day. He's been begging him to do this dance for years!"

"Don't think you're getting away with it," Maxwell shrieked, grabbing Rick and placing him on his other side. "Right, are we ready boys! OPPAN GANGNAM STYLE!"

"What is this?" Hana asked Jen, who was now filming the strange spectacle. Rick seemed to be getting surprisingly into it, jiggling his legs and waving one of his arms around in the air.

"This was the first music video to hit a billion views on the internet," Jen explained. "It was huge in the States, and I'm guessing it made quite a splash over here too..." She squealed as her husband shimmied over to her in a rather assertive way, letting her phone focus on a certain part of his anatomy as it was flaunted in her direction.

Hana shook her head, not really knowing how to react, but then decided to document the display herself with her own camera, which was hanging on a strap around her neck.

The three men continued their dance for a little longer, allowing her to capture some energetic moments. When the song reached a sudden climax. Maxwell jumped up and punched the air. "Oh man, I think we all need a drink after that!"

Nobody disagreed with his sentiment, and the group filed over to the makeshift bar that had been set up on the edge of the ballroom. Leo was already there, lining up rows of colourful shots that Hana found extremely aesthetically pleasing. She snapped a few pictures of them before Leo began to move them from the bar.

"Heyyyy!" Leo shouted, handing two to Maxwell. "Happy birthday! One for every year!"

"No!" Jen's eyes nearly popped out of her head. "You are not getting him thirty shooters. He'll not live to see thirty-one!"

"Relax, Mrs Max," Leo chuckled. "He's quite welcome to share them with his other guests!"

Jen grabbed one of them and made quick work of it. "Ooof, fire in the hole!" She turned to Hana. "Do you want one?"

Hana didn't hesitate, and took one of the small glasses. She inspected it, swirled it, then slowly consumed it, savouring its warmth and tangy taste. She noticed Drake watching her with great interest, and on placing her empty glass down, leaned in to kiss him, sharing its heat.

"Get a room, you two," Maxwell giggled.

"Fine one to talk you are," Drake groaned afterwards.

"I was being ironic!" Maxwell declared. "So where's your good lady at, Leo?"

"Putting the twins to bed," Leo said. "Which means the party can really start!"

"Yep, Bella's gone up too," Jen said. "As much as I love having her around, it's nice to know she's safe upstairs. Mara's got her own little creche up there tonight with Bartie as well."

"Indeed, it's reassuring to know that the younger generation are in such safe hands," Rick said, watching in amusement as Maxwell and Leo stood back to back, simultaneously downing their shots. Another photo opportunity.

Leo threw down his empty glass and beat his chest. "Ahoooa!"

"Dance floor fuel!" Maxwell agreed.

"You won't be able to stand, let alone dance, before long," Drake sighed.

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