Igloo shenanigans

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(This chapter is NSFW)

"The Lythikos countryside. As beautiful as it is deadly." Olivia took in the pleasing aesthetic of her homeland as the carriage she and Jen were riding in traversed through the thickening snow.

"I hope that's not some sort of clue about this final challenge," Jen moaned.

She turned back to look at her companion. "Clues are for TV dogs and kid detectives," she snapped.

"So you're definitely not taking me into the woods to kill me?"

Olivia sighed. "Jen, we've been through this. If I wanted to kill you, I'd do it in my keep. Your murder would be much easier to contain there."

"And why am I wearing this? As gorgeous as it is, I'm getting a little chilly." Jen looked down at the stunning, beaded aquamarine dress that she was wearing, which Olivia had presented her with just prior to their departure from the keep.

The dress was entirely appropriate for the task in hand, showcasing Jen's postpartum voluptuousness in the best way, and Olivia knew it would optimise Jen's chances tonight. But she wasn't going to tell her that. She could work that out for herself. "All will become clear."

Jen seemed to relax a little. "Okay. Listen, Olivia, I shouldn't have doubted you. You were right."

Music to my ears. "Elaborate."

Jen looked up at the carriage's ceiling for a moment, then back at Olivia. She seemed restless, but ready to talk. "You knew I wasn't coping well before we came here. Maxwell could see it too, he was worried, but I found it hard to explain. As shaken as I felt when we got here, what we've done today has really refocussed my resolve. I think I'm ready to get back up and fight."

This was pleasing. "The wisdom of my ancestors runs deep. But don't rest on your laurels just yet. As I told you earlier, you may have survived today's gauntlet, but there's one last challenge awaiting you before you're ready to face your foes." The carriage began to slow to a stop. "And.. we're here."

Jen peered out of the window, gazing out at the empty landscape around them. She then headed towards the other window, to see a similar terrain. "I don't know what I was expecting, but this is definitely not it. Let me guess, the challenge is wrestling wolves? Jumping off an icy waterfall? Fighting you in hand-to-hand combat?"

"Jen, the goal is to improve your confidence, not obliterate it." Olivia looked out of the back window. "Ah. Here we go." The second carriage was in sight now, and was growing closer.

Jen shoved her out of the way to get a glimpse. "Oh. We're meeting someone? Is it a Bradshaw lookalike that I have to face off against?"

Olivia just remained silent, knowing her acquaintance was about to be pleasantly surprised. "Get away from the window. No spoilers."

Jen gulped. "Oh god, it isn't Bradshaw, is it?"

Olivia wrestled Jen to the seat and pulled all of the carriage's curtains across, just as the second carriage came to a halt next to them. "There," she said, getting back into her seat opposite a clearly anxious Jen. Now you just sit there and look pretty."

"Why would I...?"

But before she could finish her sentence, the carriage door was thrown open, and Jen gasped as their visitor bound inside. "You!"

Maxwell sat down next to her. "....Hiiii."

"What are you doing here, babe? And dressed like.... that?"

Olivia's efforts in having Jen's favourite item from Maxwell's questionably diverse suit collection secretly couriered over from Valtoria had been worth every euro. Olivia had to agree, this navy-blue number was his most stylish.

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