Maxwell's birthday honours list

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*this chapter is NSFW*

Even though it was the early hours of the morning, there was champagne all round on the Royal plane. It was, after all, Maxwell's birthday today, and it was Rick's treat. He couldn't help but feel nostalgic about this little trip to New York, taking place exactly a year after the trip for his first bachelor party. It had been a fun excursion, times had been simpler, life had been freer, and his friends had been there with him, like they were now. Except, there were more of them.

Olivia had decided not to join them, she couldn't share in their nostalgia in any case. Hana on the other hand was delighted with this opportunity. So it was just the five of them and Bastien that were making this journey. He and Bastien would travel back after a few days, the other four were going to road trip their way across the US to Texas. And a part of him really wanted to join them. The more carefree Prince Rick of the past would definitely have done so. But King Rick of Cordonia just couldn't be seen to be taking a month off from running his country to have fun with his friends.

"Chink, chink!" Jen came running up to where he was sitting a row or two in front of the others, and clunked her glass against his, sitting down next to him. He observed her, wondering what to say.

"Don't you dare comment on the fact I'm drinking champagne," she warned him.

He held his hands up, his own champagne glass securely held in one of them. "I wouldn't dare!"

"Good. Because nobody can see me here, I'm definitely not pregnant yet because I did a test when I got up this morning, it's my husband's birthday, and we're having a plane party! Woooo!"

"Woooo!" he agreed, looking at her fondly.

"Woooo! And, anyway, Mr King, you supplied the champagne."

"Jen, it's fine. It's good to see you having fun."

"I figured I won't be able to drink when we land, in case we get papped, so I thought I'd make the most of it now," she explained. "So, this is glass number four! And counting!"

He laughed, and shook his head. "And it's not even eight."

"Well, the bars will still be open in New York from last night. It's always five o clock somewhere, right?" She took another swig, and a dainty little hiccup escaped her.

"Right." He observed her for a moment, then spoke. "I'm just sorry I can't stay with you all longer. But I'm very much looking forward to rejoining you for the wedding."

"Aw, I can't believe Bertrand's getting married!" She clutched her hands to her chest, the champagne in her glass threatening to tipple all over the two of them. "It's so romantic! I can just picture the two of them riding off into the sunset for real.... Y'know, like they did at our wedding, except there was no sunset..."

"I can just imagine the scene," he agreed, thinking back himself to that bittersweet and dramatic day that none of them would ever forget.

Jen gasped. "Hey, you'll come back over for Bertrand's bachelor party, right? Can you imagine how excited he'd be if you came back a few days early so you could be there?"

Rick nodded. "I don't see why not, if it's close enough to the wedding..."

Jen squealed, and twirled around on the seat, shouting back a few rows. "Make it so, official Best Man!" She fluttered her eyelashes a few times, and before Rick knew it Maxwell was standing in the aisle next to them.

"You rang?"

"Rick was just saying that he might be able to make Bertrand's bachelor party!" She jiggled her legs in excitement. "If you make sure it's quite close to the wedding!"

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