Gala Schmala

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Jen was doing her utmost to hold it together as she, Bella and Maxwell re-entered the ballroom to applause and smiles from all present. There was so much whizzing around her head, that she didn't know what to think about first. And it mostly involved Bella.

Lesedi's comment had thrown her earlier. She looks hungry. It had been confirmation of what Jen's instincts had been telling her for a little while. It wasn't easy, they saw no other babies of the same age to compare Bella to, but was she thriving? Was she doing okay? Was all of this stress and travel and uncertainty over her future doing her harm in the long run? And now was there uncertainty over her future health? And her father's?

"Dancefloor?" Maxwell asked, although it was more of a rhetorical question.

"Dancefloor," Jen agreed, hoping a dance with her husband would numb some of the anxiety that was biting away at her right now like a pack of piranhas.

"Good. Right. Aw, obstruction!" Maxwell grumbled, as King Eirik made a beeline for the three of them.

"Ah, we meet again, Princess Annabelle." King Eirik said, reaching his hand out to greet Bella. She took a hold of his finger, curiously. "Oh! She has a very strong grip. I think you may have a little warrior on your hands!"

"That's how we're raising her," Jen said, with a glance beyond him at Isabella and Bradshaw, who were observing from a little distance away. "A ruler has to be ready for the wolves at their door."

"Absolutely. She'll be able to count on me for guidance and protection as she comes into her own as heir," Eirik said.

"Oh, wow," Jen said. "That's very kind, if you're sure..."

"I swear it," Eirik said, placing his hand on his chest, where he wore a distinctive pin badge that Jen thought she'd seen someone else wear before, but couldn't place right now. "They don't call me King Eirik the Magnanimous for nothing. I would die before I let anything bad happen to Princess Annabelle of Cordonia."

"Whoa. Thanks Eirik," Maxwell said, impressed. "And hard same."

But Jen was tongue-tied by now as she watched the Auvernese royal couple advance towards them.

"Duchess Jen, Duke Maxwell," fumed Isabella. "A word?"

Jen nodded, and Eirik stepped diplomatically away.

"Well." Isabella was clearly annoyed. "You two have been very busy tonight, haven't you?"

"Of course, it's our daughter's big night!" Jen protested. "We're playing our role as gracious hosts."

"You're not our only guests, y' know," Maxwell pointed out, his tone and expression both weary.

"Well, we just want you to know that no amount of apple ceremonies or pandering to foreign powers will scare us off," Bradshaw spat. "We want a date for the betrothal, and we want it tonight."

Oh, you'll get it tonight. But not from me. Never from me.

"Indeed. It'll be another wonderful celebration for the people of Cordonia." Isabella said with a sickening smile. "They love us, you know. They see us as heroes, coming to their defence in their time of need."

"They wouldn't if they knew what you did," Maxwell said, firmly.

"Oh, but I'm sure they'd understand," Isabella said. "It was the only way to save the life of this little cherub!" She reached for Bella, but Bella knew her enemy, and squirmed back into Jen's chest.

"If it wasn't for us, Maxwell, consider the life you'd have now," Bradshaw sneered. "You might be widowed, you might have lost your child... maybe even both. You owe us."

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