Respect. The. String.

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Jen lay naked on the bed, with her bottom half and her legs propped up against the wall above the headboard. Her eyes were closed and she was feeling pretty serene after a particularly ecstatic start to the day in their bright and airy St Louis hotel room.

Maxwell returned from the en-suite bathroom. "Oh, hey!"


He threw himself onto the bed next to her, causing her to bounce slightly, and mimicked her pose. "Is this how you chill now?"

She laughed, opening her eyes and blinking at him. "I read somewhere that doing this after sex is supposed to improve our chances of conception."

"Well, good job I came to join you then." He winked at her mischievously.

"Babe, once again, I don't think you have to do it."

"Baby, I'm in solidarity with you!" He stretched his neck to kiss her, and she responded, a giggle on her lips as they parted.

"You are going to be a nightmare when I do get pregnant. I can see it now."

"Heh. I'm looking forward to the cravings."

She tutted. "You won't be eating for two, you know."

"Who said I was talking about food cravings?" He reached out an arm to play with one of her nipples. "I heard that during the second trimester your sex drive goes off the charts."

"Hmm, yes I read something about that too, although I very much doubt you could keep up if that happens." She let her own hand wander and placed it on his squid boxer shorts. His facial expression was priceless.

"Rude, Jen. You know very well I have stamina. You've tested it to its limits recently!"

She giggled. "I'm messing with you, Maxwell. Don't worry."

"Good, because I like to think I'm rising to the challenge right now."

She applied a little pressure. "Maybe not right now."

He gave her a defiant look, and she giggled.

"Well, the Cordonian press will be glad to know we're taking our responsibilities to their country seriously," she said eventually.

"They aren't the ones I was trying to impress just now," he said with a giddy smile, brushing a strand of hair out of her face softly.

"Either way, mission extremely accomplished," she assured him.

"Good," he said. "I'm so glad we're trying, Jen, for so many reasons, but one of them is getting moments like this with you."

"What, moments with your legs propped up in the air against the wall?"

"Well, yes, those, and also the hot moments..."

"Mmhmm, there were some pretty hot moments just now.."

"And we could always re-enact them. Not like right now, but hopefully sooner than later.."

She sighed. "You read my mind. We'd better enjoy the alone time while we can. If I get pregnant, the paparazzi are going to be after us more than ever before. Not to mention the Council, and the public.."

"I know, but as long as we're trying, I want this to be about us."

"Our baby first, yeah?" She loved this man so much.

"Our baby first. And, when we're alone together, like this, the only person who matters to me is you."

"Not even Bertrand?" She giggled.

The Royal Heir - The Valtoria Diaries 2Where stories live. Discover now