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Thursday had always been the day that Maxwell made himself be-yootiful ready for the weekend. It was kind of a day when not a lot else happened unless you made it happen, and that was kind of his mantra for his self-care routine. Since moving to Valtoria, this hadn't really changed.

He'd get up super early and head downstairs to the mini-gym, with an adjacent wet room. This was where the magic happened. Once he'd showered, groomed, plucked and waxed the appropriate areas, he'd move on to his pretty-much daily routine of some weights, some crunches and lunges, whatever the latest six-packed YouTubers were recommending you should do to stay tip-top, basically. And then a bit of breakdancing. And then, normally, he'd finish in time to dash into the kitchen, get whoever was in there to help him whip up some breakfast for Jen, and sashay back upstairs to wake her up with breakfast, a smile, and a really hot body.

This Thursday, he was midway through twenty reps of dolphin hops when he heard a little snort from behind him. He turned to see Jen leaning against the doorframe wearing a robe, her foot raised and trailing against the doorframe, her hand on her belly protectively, her eyes seductive.

"Oho. You caught me."

"I mean, I know you come down here to work out most mornings." She wandered towards him. "Hmm, it smells kind of yummy down here."

"That would be me," he said with a wink, and she assessed him with a raised eyebrow.

"Gotta say, babe, you might smell yummy, but you look kinda sweaty."

"Come, find out for yourself." He beckoned her closer.

She approached him, and placed her palms on his chest. "Ooh. Smooth."

"I'm always smooth. You know it."

She chuckled, and her hands moved down to take his, her face nestling into his neck. "Mmm. You do smell yummy. Even if you feel a little sticky and sweaty.." She released one of his hands and let hers linger up the side of his torso.

"Hey, my sweat smells like perfume!"

"That is stretching it, Beaumont." She kissed him softly on the lips, and then stepped back. "So, working out?"

"Yup. Gotta stay beautiful for my beautiful wife, you know."

She pulled a face. "You know you don't have to, right? I love you for what's in there.." She tapped him on the head. "Not what's out here." She ran a finger down his abs, and whoo.

"Huh, so long as you don't massively disapprove of what's out here..." he observed. "It definitely approves of you right now."

She giggled, and pushed him away. "Yeah, but you know what I mean. You don't have to work hard to keep me happy. I could get used to you having a dad-paunch to match my incoming baby-belly."

"You might be able to get used to that, but ugh, I couldn't," he explained. "This is just what I do, and I did it long before you came along."

She nodded. "Of course, and that's how you ended up being labelled Cordonia's third most eligible bachelor of 2017, yeah?"

He smirked. "Think I reached the same dizzy heights in 2015 too. I know those days are long gone, but it's something to do. And you know I'll always come and wake you up after I'm done working out.. but you just couldn't wait this morning, huh?"

"No, I couldn't. I woke up, all alone in a big, empty bed..." She took a step closer again, and he backed towards the bench press behind them. She put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him down onto the bench seat. "And, thanks for asking, but I don't feel queasy this morning either!"

The Royal Heir - The Valtoria Diaries 2Where stories live. Discover now