Badass 101

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"I know our enemies have just dealt yet another crushing blow," Olivia said, as she paced up and down the main reception room of her keep. "I can see the weight of Monterisso's recent betrayal and all of Auvernal's manoeuvring on all of your faces. Yes, even yours, Annabelle." She tapped the three-month-old on the nose, and Annabelle screwed up her sweet little face in response. "That's why it's my job, no, my duty, to rekindle your fighting spirit. Want to know how we're going to do it?"

She looked at each of them in turn as they stood in a line in front of her. First Rick, stoic as ever, in a regal stance, his arms behind his back and his legs slightly apart. Drake was next, his posture slumped. His body language was screaming that he didn't want to be here. Hana was standing next to him, alert, interested in what Olivia had to say. On Hana's left was Maxwell, who was rocking from side to side, glancing nervously around the room.

Jen was at the end of the line, holding Annabelle. She looked tired and forlorn as she gazed hopefully at Olivia. "With extensive relaxation?"

Olivia's smirk was answer enough. "With a gauntlet of activities designed to test your mettle and strengthen your resolve."

"Follow up question," Maxwell piped up. "How many of these activities involve combat?"

Olivia stepped towards him. "Answering that would ruin the element of surprises. Suffice to say, it's the same regimen I used to cope with Anton and Lucretia's betrayal. It's rigorous, and guaranteed to lift your spirits and help you devise a plan of action."

Although their spirits had been temporarily lifted by Rick's recent victory over Bradshaw in battle, the effect had been short lived. Since the drone attack seemingly launched by Monterisso, Auvernal's military had been only too happy to assist Cordonia. Once again, Bradshaw and Isabella had the upper hand.

"Rigorous spirit-lifting, huh? A workout does sound pretty cathartic." Maxwell flexed his fingers and got up on his tiptoes. "I'm in!"

"I'm surprised you think you had a choice," Olivia said with a venomous glare.

"Okay, I get that you've brought us here to make a plan. But what do we need to plan?" Jen asked. "We just need to get back to the capital and stand strong against Auvernal, right?"

Olivia shook her head, and tsked in Jen's direction. "With whose army? Theirs vastly outnumbers ours, and it's here watching our every move."

"She's right," Hana sighed, looking across at Rick who was nodding.

Jen sighed, deflated. "Fine, we can work on a plan, but punching Bradshaw is still my backup."

"Totally mine too," Maxwell said, his expression worryingly neutral.

Olivia began to pace again. "Now, our programme's also tailored. Some of you need different outcomes than others today. Jen. Maxwell. We'll start with you. Pass Annabelle to Rick, please."

Jen smiled, and gathered her daughter, then walked a few paces to where she and Rick met, just in front of Hana.

"Rick, you'll be responsible for Annabelle for the rest of the day." She pointed at the mountain of bags that Jen and Maxwell had lugged in earlier. "Hana, Drake, you have thirty minutes to help him get started. I will then return to assign you with your own challenges."

"I bet Drake's challenge is to go without whisky for 24 hours!" Jen giggled, as she passed Annabelle to Rick.

"Ha bloody ha, Jones," Drake sighed, as Jen fussed over Annabelle for a moment, then headed back to Maxwell, who took her hand keenly, as if he hadn't only just let go of it.

"Indeed, that's hilarious," Olivia said. "I would never set such an impossible target. Twelve hours would be challenge enough. Now come along, you two. And ugh, cease with the PDAs please..."

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